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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 11:33



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 07:14



The background that the hamburger wraps

The hamburger wraps, is called one of the west five greatest fast foods, how origins of?
The hamburger of originality's wrapping is chop fine of beef end and noodles make into of meat patty, so call a beef a round flat cake.The ancient tartar person gets into the habit of livinging to eat beef, moving along with the tartar person's west, streaming into Balkan peninsula first, spreading to a virtuous will and then, pursuing to change to living the food as deli.The person of German hamburger, region takes into it to improve, crumpling the beef mire for chopping fine in the face powder, the stand becomes a round flat cake to fry to roast to eat, hence with place name but be called "hamburger meat patty".In 1850, Germany immigrates to boil hamburger meat patty to make technical skill to take the United States.Afterwards innovations of style, graal and sandwich confluence, clip beef a round flat cake in to two of small bread in the middle, be called "the hamburger wrap".

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 07:14

After having eaten countless hamburgers, one may perhaps be interested in knowing more about the origins of the name. By the middle of the 19th century people in Hamburg, Germany, the busiest port in West Germany today, enjoyed pounded beefsteak in some form. Perhaps brought to America by the large numbers of Germans who migrated around that time, this sort of dish with the name Hamburg steak may have appeared on a menu as early as 1836. The first recorded use of Hamburg steak is found in 1884 in the Boston Journal, with hamburger steak being first recorded in a Walla Walla, Washington, newspaper in 1889. A 1902 cookbook contains a recipe for Hamburg steak that is closer to our conception, a recipe using ground beef mixed with onion and pepper. The hamburger was on its way, as was the Americanism hamburger.
在吃完了数不清的汉堡包之后,人们可能会有兴趣更多地知道一些关于这个名字由来的知识。直至19世纪中叶住在德国汉堡,这个今日德国最为繁忙的港口的人们,喜欢把牛排捣碎成一定形状。也许是被当时的大量德国移民传至美洲,这道以Hamburg steak 命名的菜最早出现在菜单上是在1836年。 Hamburg steak 第一次见诸于铅字是在1884年的 波士顿日报 , 而hamburger steak 第一次见诸于铅字是在1889年华盛顿州的沃拉沃拉市的一家报纸上。 到1902年烹饪书上关于汉堡牛排的调制法与我们今天的概念已经很接近了,就是用碎牛肉和洋葱与胡椒粉拌在一起。汉堡包已被广泛使用,如美国方式的hamburger
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