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There to be和There being的区别70

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-07 06:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 19:46

There be 的非谓语形式有两种,即there to be 和there being。
当作主语时,一般是There being结构,当句式中有for时,一般用there to be。
1)There being a shop here is a great advantage. 这儿有个商店,真是方便极了。
2)It is impossible for there to be any more. 不可能再有了。

如果是动词宾语,要看这个动词,我们学过有些动词后面只能接动名词,比如mind, enjoy, appreciate等词后面是必须加doing的形式的;而这些动词同样适用于there being, 不能用there to be.
有些动词只能接不定式的,如want, hope, would like等,后面就接there to be。常见动词有:expect, mean, intend want, prefer等:
1)We expect there to be no argument.
2) Would you like there to be a picture on the wall?
3)We don't want there to be any comrade lagging behind.
4)I don't want there to be any misunderstanding between us .

作介词的宾语一般用There being句式,但当在for后时一般用there to be句式。
1)This depended on there being a sudden change.
2)The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence.
3)They planned on there being another meeting.
4)There is now some hope of there being a settlement of the dispute.

3、 作状语
用作状语的there be的形式通常用there being结构。
1)There being no buses, we had to walk home.
2)There being no nobody in the room, we realized that there was no use crying. 屋里没人,我们意识到哭喊是没有用的。
如果句中出现for时应用there to be。
It was too late for there to be any buses.

4、 用在It be + adj. for...的结构中,只能接to be
It is impossible for there to be any more chance. 不可能在有机会了。
It was too late for there to be any buses. 时间太晚,不会有汽车了。
We waited for there to be another opportunity. 我们期待着还有下一次机会。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 19:47

一、 “there to be”结构
  1. 作主语(主要出现在可以用“for sb. to do”结构作主语的句型中,以“for there to be”的形式存在,可用it作形式主语。)
 It's quite unusual for there to be so many mistakes in his composition.
(=For there to be so many mistakes in his composition is quite
unusual.) 他的作文中出现这么多错误是很少见的。
  It's important for there to be no suspicion between us. 我们相互间不应该猜疑。
  2. 作宾语
  1) 作expect, hate, intend, like, mean, prefer, want, wish等可以后接“sb. to do”作宾语的动词的宾语
  I don't want there to be anyone knowing my secret. 我不希望有任何人知道我的秘密。
  I expect there to be a party in our company tomorrow. 我盼望我们公司明天举行一个聚会。
  2) 用在ask for, call for, care for, hope for, plan for, prepare for, wait for等含for的短语动词后
  We hope for there to be no wars and killings in the world. 我们希望世界上没有战争和杀戮。
  They planned for there to be a meeting on Monday. 他们计划周一开会。
  3. 作表语(以“for there to be”的形式存在)
  Our hope is for there to be a peaceful world. 我们希望世界和平。
  What Little Franz expected was for there to be noise in class. 小Franz希望课堂上不安静。
  二、 “there being”结构
  1. 作主语
  There being so large a population in so small a district is a heavy burden. 如此狭小的地区有如此众多的人口是一个沉重的负担。
  There not being enough money is the main reason for the delay of our project. 资金不足是我们工程滞后的主要原因。
  It's no use there being / for there to be even more money. 有再多的钱也没用。
  2. 作宾语
  1) 作介词的宾语
  I never dreamed of there being so many animals in the mountains here. 我从没想到这里的山中会有这么多的动物。
  He was surprised at there being so many people waiting there. 他对很多人等在那里感到吃惊。
  2) 作需要后接-ing的及物动词的宾语
  I'll prevent there being any doubt about it. 我不会让人对此产生任何怀疑。
  Does it mean there being nothing left for us? 这是不是意味着没给我们留下什么?
  3. 构成独立主格结构,作原因状语
  There being no bus, we had to walk there. 因为没有公交车,我们只好步行去那里。
  There having been no rain for half a year, all the crops in the field were dry. 半年没下雨,地里的庄稼都旱了。
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