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哪位大神能帮我把简历翻译成英文 不要软件翻译!非常感谢!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-02 00:55



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 04:04

O after graating from college, came to Penglai to participate in the work, in the work of steel structure I have more than 8 years of work experience, especially in equipment and purchasing experience.
August 2007: began to take over the work of equipment management, the company is mainly responsible for the proction and processing of all equipment maintenance management / maintenance personnel to repair equipment / equipment parts / filing equipment failure statistics and summarized the problems of equipment / special equipment registration / filing / inspection.
April 2009: because companies need to purchase department and serve as the management of equipment, mainly responsible for the sourcing company's proction supplies / equipment / supplies proction safety / office equipment etc.. From the warehouse to extract the various departments to make their own leadership approval of the purchase orders, orders, inspection, warehousing and other work, are independent of me, but also a regular inspection of the market, understand the market dynamics, in the face of emergency procurement, but also to make the best judgment, I can skillfully use office software.
O I'm optimistic, good at making friends, to work actively, have good communication skills, can be very good to complete the tasks assigned by leader, if I was hired, I believe that my experience in equipment procurement and add in your learning experience, will make me better. I hope you give me a chance.
Job ties:
Y provide factory equipment list for the owner, the owner of the factory equipment with processing capacity of understanding
Y provide special equipment inspection certificate for supervision
Y for regular maintenance of proction equipment, and arrange the service personnel timely repair of fault equipment, ensure the proction schele
The fault rate of equipment statistical y
Y end of the project with the total amount of equipment maintenance expenditure
Job ties:
Y to provide engineering supervision required material, purchase qualified procts
According to the proction demand for equipment, equipment, equipment purchase.
According to the required amount of paint coating department, apply for the purchase of owner approved
Y after the project began, the timely provision of necessary proction activities and timely filing of commonly used items.
The paint paint y contact check and report form to provide supervision for paint procts
Y for the packaging site, provide the required fumigation of wood, and contact the prevention seal, report, assist the customs declaration for inspection certificate of fumigation, the use of export.
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