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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 06:46



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 19:34

Follow vt.vi Follow 可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词(归纳一下Follow在英文中有哪些意思经常被用到):
1.跟随,跟着。举例:You go first and I will just follow.
She managed to push herself into the subway train with two children following after her.
He stood up and started slowly toward the ship,knowing full well the sick wolf was followinghim.
2.(时间或顺序等)继......之后,跟着发生。举例:If you train yourself to be considerate of others,if you can acquire the habit of identifying with their problems and hopes and fear,good manners will follow almost automatically.(From:Key to a Happier Word of Dr.Norman Vincent Peale.这个句子来自于我曾学到的一篇文章:诺尔曼.温森特.皮尔的《以礼待人:通往幸福生活的钥匙》)
One evening,while Mother was sitting near the oil lamp mending a shirt,the door opened and a small puff of steam,followed by a gigantic dog,entered the room.
3.听懂,跟上。举例:If you can't follow my lecture,just put up your hand and let me know.
He spoke with a strong southern accent,so I found it difficult to follow him.
4.追随(榜样),仿效;听从(指教等);遵守(先例,规则或习俗等)。举例:The student followed the example of their teacher and each did a good job.
I decided to follow the doctor's advice and take a month's holiday.
This friend decided to follow the principle of being loyal to those not present.
as follows : 意思是“如下”。
follow(in)someone's footsteps :*,继承某人的事业。
follow someone's example:仿效某人的做法,以某人为榜样。
follow something.up:对......采取进一步行动;深入调查某事
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