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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 07:21



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 02:22

1 China is an ancient vicissitudes of life, there is a country's
long history. In the past five thousand years, China has been using his
sonorous and powerful body, time and again crossed the dangerous, China
has long been a firm body! At present, China has become increasingly
strong, and will graally close to the developing countries.
China's national treasures, giant pandas only charmingly naive, peony and opening up is the richest moment of time!
China! I love you!
is all . thank you for your listening

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 02:22

The Early Coming of the Aging Society And the Incomplete Welfare System in China
Good moring, everyone. I'm LLY. It is an honor and pleasure for me to share my topic with you.Today, my topic is the early coming of the aged society and the incomplete welfare system in China.
Have you ever heard the "empty-nester"? Are there "empty-nester in your hometown? And how many they are? Every year, we see reports about empty-nester in newspaper, on TV and on tencent news. There are a growing number of empty-nesters, which has become a social problem. But what causes this? I have researched some information. The most imediate reason is the aging society in China. The aging society is that people over 65 years old accounted for 7% of the total population.
There are many reasons about the China's population aging. But the most important and the most direct reasons are from two aspects:
The most important reason is family planning. In oder to control the rapid population growth, our country has been implementing the basic national policy of family planning since the last century, thus greatly recing the fertility level of the society as a whole. The most direct reason is the development of society in many aspects. With the improvement of people's medical conditions and living standards, mankind has made remarkable achievements in health problem and people's longevity.
However, who should be responsible for the care of aged people in an "empty nest" when their alt children have gone or (abroad) where they can make a living?
Let us think about our country's welfare system of retirement. There is much room to improve. Though our country has took many measures to solve this problem. For example, increasing the contribution rate will increase the burden on enterprises and wokers, recing pension benifits will directly affect the income of retirees, dealing retirement age actually reces the return of pension insurance, and increasing the government deficit will affect the welfare of future generations.
Although the elderly care program is now under way, the service quality and the number of talents still have a long way to go to meet the needs. With the number of the elderly expected to exceed the working population within a few decades, more elderly care service professional should be trained through a viriety of channels and more talents are encourad to enter this instry.
Contrasted to America, by 2030, one in every five people will be over 65years old, and the elderly will account for 20% of the total population. Its aging problem is more serious than China. But its pension instry, which meets all the needs of retirement is the most complete pension instry system in the world. Maybe its welfare system, not only America, but also other countries, such as Japan, NewZealand, England and so on, can give our country some enlightenment to inhance the welfare of retirement.
As a new era college student,We need to think about this issue with a positive and objective attitude, and be ready to meet the challenges of aging society. One day, we will be old. So we are supposed to master some knowledge of investment and financial management. We are supposed to plan our future in advance. And the most importantly, we are supposed to give some contribution to the aing society.
Thank you for your liscening!
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