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以“既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。不管前方的路途多么坎坷,我都会奋 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 06:25



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 07:54

Yesterday, accompanied by memories of a very brief period; quietly today with the advent of hope, and bright future, but also flashes of brilliance beckons to us. It was immersed in memories, they recall with nostalgia the past; some break in the dream, they think of tomorrow. And I like that word posted in the corridor: "today - is the starting point of struggle."

Some people may say: Today, it is a short span of 24 hours, I began to study hard from tomorrow; today, but will be short-lived moment, I work hard from the start it tomorrow; today, but in a year 1/365 days longer go again, then another thing I do tomorrow. Information, life were minimal in the minutes and seconds from the pool. There is a saying that good: "can do this evening, as early as tomorrow morning is late again." Rush sun, Love like water, to the future sustenance and endless thoughts of "Tomorrow." Life can have several "day" Well, then, your ideals, your determination, and perhaps will forever be linked in to the mouth.

Shakespeare said: "The time to abandon the people, the time to abandon him." Lu said: "The greatest achievements and hard work is always proportional to, there is a work of a harvest." Gorky said: "Time is the most equitable the judge. "yin all times and in all the common saying Xingshi people left inspired generation after generation. Modern secondary school students, although the condition is superior, but not wait for me, in the "golden age" years, if it is not hard to learn, not be wasted youth, wasted my life?

Genuine self-knowledge, they do not immersed in yesterday, nor tomorrow sustenance, but in the light of the glorious ideal, from the starting point of the struggle - today began a proactive, hard struggle of the. Regrets in their lives this way, life without resentment.


也许有人会说:今天,不过是短短的二十四小时,我从明天开始刻苦学习;今天,不过是短暂的一瞬间,我从明天开始努力工作吧;今天,,不过是一年中的三百六十五分之一,日子还长着呢,那件事我明天再去办。须知,生命的闪光点,都是在微乎其微的分秒中凝聚而成的。有句名言说的好:“今天晚上能做的事情,明天早上再早也是迟了。”日月匆匆,年华如流水,到了明天,又有无穷无尽的寄托思念的“明天”。人生能有几个"明天"呢 那么,你的理想,你的决心,也许就只能永远地挂在嘴角了。

莎士比亚说:“抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。”鲁迅说:“伟大的成就总是与辛勤的劳动成正比的,有一份耕耘就有一份收获。”高尔基说:“时间是最公平的裁判长。”古今中外的贤人们留下的醒世恒言激励了一代又一代人。现代的中学生,虽然条件优越,但时不待我,在“黄金时代”里,若不勤奋学习,岂不是耽误了青春年华,耽误了一生吗 ?

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