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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 05:30



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 16:12

As everyone knows, China's accession to the WTO since 2001 it has been more than eight years. So far there are still many people feel that joining the WTO for China, there are a lot of drawbacks, some people even think that China's accession to WTO, more harm than good.

     Everything has two sides to join the WTO is no exception, though, after joining the WTO China is facing many problems and challenges, but the opportunities and challenges are always side by side. And I think on this issue, the more opportunities than outweigh the challenges, advantages outweigh the disadvantages, as long as we have a good job, handled properly, the challenges can be turned into opportunities, disadvantages can be turned into Tametoshi. Here is what I use swot analysis method of China's accession to WTO, opportunities and threats.

The first opportunity to talk about it,

First, the accession to the WTO will be concive to expansion of China's exports.

Secondly, the accession to the WTO will benefit China in terms of equal participation in world competition is concive to China's socialist market economy.

Thirdly, the accession to the WTO, China's import tariffs will be reced and help people to improve living standards.

Then threats

First, with the expansion of market access, tariff rection and elimination of non-tariff measures, foreign procts, services and investment are likely to have greater access to Chinese market certain procts, enterprises will face more intense competition.


Second, the domestic enterprises, WTO rules generally do not know enough, lack of experience, so after joining the WTO multilateral dispute settlement mechanism of the ruling may also appear unfavorable results.

Thirdly, the accession to the WTO, the Western cultural instries, cultural procts and cultural values influx of Western decadent ideas, values, way of life will also have a certain impact in China.

However, these challenges have just become the promotion of our business and enhance their competitive edge, the Government to improve the legal power.

In short, in today's increasingly globalized economy, accession to the WTO is China's integration into the world economy, the inevitable choice.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 16:12

As everyone knows, China's accession to the WTO since 2001 it has been more than eight years. So far there are still many people feel that joining the WTO for China, there are a lot of drawbacks, some people even think that China's accession to WTO, more harm than good.

Everything has two sides to join the WTO is no exception, though, after joining the WTO China is facing many problems and challenges, but the opportunities and challenges are always side by side. And I think on this issue, the more opportunities than outweigh the challenges, advantages outweigh the disadvantages, as long as we have a good job, handled properly, the challenges can be turned into opportunities, disadvantages can be turned into Tametoshi. Here is what I use swot analysis method of China's accession to WTO, opportunities and threats.
The first opportunity to talk about it,

First, the accession to the WTO will be concive to expansion of China's exports.

Secondly, the accession to the WTO will benefit China in terms of equal participation in world competition is concive to China's socialist market economy.

Thirdly, the accession to the WTO, China's import tariffs will be reced and help people to improve living standards.

However, these challenges have just become the promotion of our business and enhance their competitive edge, the Government to improve the legal power.

In short, in today's increasingly globalized economy, accession to the WTO is China's integration into the world economy, the inevitable choice.
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