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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 03:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 02:59

I am a student abroad who come from China.In China,there has about 13 billion population.My hometown,Jinan is at the south of china and close to beijing.
Jinan is a beautiful city.It has a beautiful night view.You can see the stars twinkling at the night.
Along the road, you can see many vendors sell local food,daily necessities and the prices are very fair.After buying in the night market, you can go to the Daming Lake.There are a lot of colourful neon lights around that and some budding lotus on the lake.You can buy some bread from a nearby stall to feed the fish.This is very interesting when see the fish grabing the food.
In Jinan,there has four season.When it was in the spring,the trees start growing the leaves, seeds began to germinate,the earth began to restore vitality and everbody are preparing the
traditional festival,Chinese New Year.In the summer,it is the best time to play water.In the autumn,it is starting to decious and in the winter,we can play a snow war or heap a snowman.In China, we have two holidays,one is in the summer and another one is in the winter.
In Jinan, there has many delicious dishes,the most popularly is Shandong cuisine.My favourite dishes is mpling.Whenever the festival, all the family members get together to make the mplings, this can help to promote feelings.
China is a great country,there has many tradisional cultures.I feel very honored because I was born in China

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 02:59

I am a student abroad who come from China.In China,there has about 13 billion population.My hometown,Jinan is at the south of china and close to beijing.
Jinan is a beautiful city.It has a beautiful night view.You can see the stars twinkling at the night.
Along the road, you can see many vendors sell local food,daily necessities and the prices are very fair.After buying in the night market, you can go to the Daming Lake.There are a lot of colourful neon lights around that and some budding lotus on the lake.You can buy some bread from a nearby stall to feed the fish.This is very interesting when see the fish grabing the food.
In Jinan,there has four season.When it was in the spring,the trees start growing the leaves, seeds began to germinate,the earth began to restore vitality and everbody are preparing the
traditional festival,Chinese New Year.In the summer,it is the best time to play water.In the autumn,it is starting to decious and in the winter,we can play a snow war or heap a snowman.In China, we have two holidays,one is in the summer and another one is in the winter.
In Jinan, there has many delicious dishes,the most popularly is Shandong cuisine.My favourite dishes is mpling.Whenever the festival, all the family members get together to make the mplings, this can help to promote feelings.
China is a great country,there has many tradisional cultures.I feel very honored because I was born in China

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 02:59

I am a student abroad who come from China.In China,there has about 13 billion population.My hometown,Jinan is at the south of china and close to beijing.
Jinan is a beautiful city.It has a beautiful night view.You can see the stars twinkling at the night.
Along the road, you can see many vendors sell local food,daily necessities and the prices are very fair.After buying in the night market, you can go to the Daming Lake.There are a lot of colourful neon lights around that and some budding lotus on the lake.You can buy some bread from a nearby stall to feed the fish.This is very interesting when see the fish grabing the food.
In Jinan,there has four season.When it was in the spring,the trees start growing the leaves, seeds began to germinate,the earth began to restore vitality and everbody are preparing the
traditional festival,Chinese New Year.In the summer,it is the best time to play water.In the autumn,it is starting to decious and in the winter,we can play a snow war or heap a snowman.In China, we have two holidays,one is in the summer and another one is in the winter.
In Jinan, there has many delicious dishes,the most popularly is Shandong cuisine.My favourite dishes is mpling.Whenever the festival, all the family members get together to make the mplings, this can help to promote feelings.
China is a great country,there has many tradisional cultures.I feel very honored because I was born in China
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