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翻译一下 有关化工的英语 汉译英

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 02:51



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 04:26

As for composite materials of the fiber of the carbon, hanging, and sticking to the body of the radical of the resin low and taking and tie of the performance of energy on the surface of hanging with advanced composite materials that it was efficient and one kind of is multifunctional for the surface of the fiber of the carbon were bad, and restricted the development of the performance of the fiber of the carbon. Therefore, the surface of the fiber of the carbon becomes an important road where the character is mended and the performance of the composite materials is improved. There are compare it a lot of mending the method of the character for the surface of the fiber of the carbon, and the technology of cold plasma in that improves the interface, sticks, and ties an easy, effective method of the performance. Plasma..fiber..surface..bombard..fiber..surface..gnaw..cause..as a result..fiber..resin..radical..body..machine..increase..resultant force..sprinkle.It is possible to cause it by the bond's on the surface of the fiber cracking at the action of the surface of plasma and the fiber to generate reorganization, and besides, the mass of the radical of the polarity is taken on the surface of the fiber, and, as a result, the interaction of the body of the radical of the fiber and the resin has been increased. Carbon..fiber..surface..appropriate..plasma..process..the..surface..oxygen..element..carbon..element..compare..improve..provide..food..as a result..fiber..surface..resin..radical..body..bond..strengthen..correspond..composite materials..interface..performance..strengthen..purpose..achieve..best..processing..time.The processing of plasma is destroyed and after it passes, the mass of the radical on the surface of the fiber destroys the bond in the PPESK molecule of the body of the radical of the resin stirred up of a mass of the radical of the revitalization of generation and a free radical. The keyboard while the atom of inside oxygen and the atom of nitrogen tie, it gives birth to a new bond, and the surface of the fiber and the body of the radical of the resin were strengthened corresponds, and, as a result, the performance in the interface of composite materials has been improved.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 04:26

The carbon fiber compound material is one kind of high performance, the multi-purpose advanced compound material, because the carbon fiber surface is smooth, the surface ability lowers with the resin substrate cementation energy balance, has restricted the carbon fiber performance display. Therefore, the carbon fiber surface modification becomes enhances its compound material performance the important way. The related carbon fiber surface modified method quite are many, cold plasma technology is enhances its contact surface cementation performance the simple effective method. The plasma shells when the textile fiber surface may cause the textile fiber surface sculpture, thus the increase textile fiber and the resin substrate machinery inlays the joint effort; When, plasma and textile fiber surface action may cause the textile fiber surface chemical bond to have the break reorganization, thus in the textile fiber surface introction polar groups and bases, increased the textile fiber and the resin substrate mutual function. Carries on suitable plasma processing to the carbon fiber surface, can enhance its superficial ratio of the oxygen element and the carbon element, thus strengthened between the textile fiber surface and the resin substrate chemistry linkage, had achieved the enhancement compound material contact surface performance goal, 10min should be the best process time. After plasma processing, the textile fiber surface groups and bases are stimulated the active groups and bases and the free radical which proces, destroyed in the resin substrate PPESK member chemical bond, if the center oxygen atom, the nitrogen atom union, proces the new chemical bond, strengthened the textile fiber surface and the resin substrate linkage, thus enhanced the compound material contact surface performance.


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