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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 02:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:51

The Story of Mapo Tofu from Chinadaily 9th March 2012

Chen Mapo tofu (people used to call it Mapo Tofu) was created in 1862 in the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911). It was made in Chen Xing Sheng Restaurant near Wan Fu Bridge in the northernpart of Cheng (now the capital of Sichuan province).
After the restaurant owner Chen Chunfu died, his wife managed the restaurant. As there weremany pocks on her face, she was called Chen Mapo (woman with pocks on the face). At thattime, the Wan Fu Bridge was not long but very wide. Laborers always had a rest there. Porterscarrying oil for merchants often stayed at Chen Xing Sheng Restaurant. They would buy sometofu and beef at the restaurant and fetch a little oil from what they were carrying. Then theywould ask Chen Mapo to cook for them. In this way, they could save some money.
Graally, Chen Mapo developed a unique way of cooking tofu. The tofu she made lookedgood, smelled good and tasted good, so Chen Mapo became famous. Writers and poets oftengathered at the restaurant. Some people made fun of the pocks on Chen's face and called thetofu Chen Mapo tofu.
This story spread widely and became a legend. Therefore, the restaurant Chen Xing ShengRestaurant was also called Chen Mapo Tofu Restaurant. According to Cheng Records,Chen Mapo tofu was regarded as one of the most famous Cheng foods at the end of theQing Dynasty. Because of the continuous efforts of the descendants of Chen, Chen MapoSichuan Restaurant has enjoyed the fame for more than 140 years. It makes its name knownboth at home and abroad and wins praise from Chinese and foreign gourmands.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:51

The Story of Mapo Tofu from Chinadaily 9th March 2012

Chen Mapo tofu (people used to call it Mapo Tofu) was created in 1862 in the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911). It was made in Chen Xing Sheng Restaurant near Wan Fu Bridge in the northernpart of Cheng (now the capital of Sichuan province).
After the restaurant owner Chen Chunfu died, his wife managed the restaurant. As there weremany pocks on her face, she was called Chen Mapo (woman with pocks on the face). At thattime, the Wan Fu Bridge was not long but very wide. Laborers always had a rest there. Porterscarrying oil for merchants often stayed at Chen Xing Sheng Restaurant. They would buy sometofu and beef at the restaurant and fetch a little oil from what they were carrying. Then theywould ask Chen Mapo to cook for them. In this way, they could save some money.
Graally, Chen Mapo developed a unique way of cooking tofu. The tofu she made lookedgood, smelled good and tasted good, so Chen Mapo became famous. Writers and poets oftengathered at the restaurant. Some people made fun of the pocks on Chen's face and called thetofu Chen Mapo tofu.
This story spread widely and became a legend. Therefore, the restaurant Chen Xing ShengRestaurant was also called Chen Mapo Tofu Restaurant. According to Cheng Records,Chen Mapo tofu was regarded as one of the most famous Cheng foods at the end of theQing Dynasty. Because of the continuous efforts of the descendants of Chen, Chen MapoSichuan Restaurant has enjoyed the fame for more than 140 years. It makes its name knownboth at home and abroad and wins praise from Chinese and foreign gourmands.
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