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英语高手 前来翻译 在线等候答案

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-10 09:07



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 13:12

Respected customers:
Hello, and best regards to all staffs in your company.
The company introces: The South Korean sole ownership Shandong Province prestige mirage happy fashionable clothing limited company creates in 2000, the proction base is located Shandong 威海. The company specialized manufacture various cotton material processing, the computer embroiders the flower, returns raises embroiders, puts on the bead and so on various clothing processing. In our company has the specialized estimator, leaves various new sample daily, forms the stable high quality proct series. Altogether has the nearly thousand kind of designs to supply the customer choice. The company "strives for the survival take the quality, the prestige to strive for the development" as an objective, take "the customer first" as the principle, take "the meager profit but high turnover" as the policy, satisfies the customer by the highest quality proct and the service, creates advantageously for the customer for oneself double wins the aspect, creates more values to make the contribution for the society. Zealously welcome the new old customer to come to discuss, the company wholeheartedly at your service. Our company has the near 25000~30000 code (not to use the lining with the YD parenthesis in which translation) processes, the cotton material, nettings. We could have quick discussions. If looked you wish to look at samples, our company would E-MAIL them to you.
thanks the cooperation

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 13:12

Respect customer: Hello, first wishes your company and the staffs health, best wishes. The company introces: The South Korean sole ownership Shandong Province prestige miragehappy fashionable clothing limited company creates in 2000, theproction base is located Shandong 威海. The company specialized manufacture various cotton materialprocessing, the computer embroiders the flower, returns raisesembroiders, very hot drills, puts on the bead and so on variousclothing processing. In our company has the specialized estimator,leaves various new sample daily, forms the stable high quality proctseries. Altogether has the nearly thousand kind of designs to supplythe customer choice. The company "strives for the survival take the quality, the prestigeto strive for the development" as an objective, take "the customerfirst" as the principle, take "the meager profit but high turnover" asthe policy, satisfies the customer by the highest quality proct andthe service, creates advantageously for the customer for oneselfdouble wins the aspect, creates more values to make the contributionfor the society. Zealously welcome the new old customer to come todiscuss, the company wholeheartedly at your service. Our company has the near 25000~30000 code (not to use the lining withthe YD parenthesis in which translation) processes, the cottonmaterial, nettings, 速来 discussion. If looked the sample thespeech, our company sends E-MAIL to you. Relates for us Thanks the cooperation
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