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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 03:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 02:08

In the government should not manage the problem of network public opinion, there are two basic opposing views. Some people think that the Internet should not be managed, the content itself is difficult to control who publish information, who receive information, the implementation of the specific object is very vague, can not be managed; from the network development, management is in a booming stage, control is to limit the normal development of the network, some basic content classification, filtering and so on. For many reasons, some people will be the government of the network public opinion management as "manufacturing network world of the village fool", the network is the lack of basic understanding of technical characteristics. But as a government, for the protection of children's network security, stop terrorist activities, control of racial hatred, restrictions on commercial unfair competition and so on a variety of reasons, on control and management of the network public opinion regarded as their bounden responsibility and obligation. The most popular way of the government is: have modified the existing regulations to include the management of network public opinion, or simply introce new network regulations.
The most dramatic color rich, United States in 1996 issued new "telecommunication law" communication Decency Act (CDA). The bill requires Internet information provider to ensure that pornography is not received by the children, and offenders sentenced to 25 million -- $50 million in fines and 2 years in prison. The result was the "Civil Liberties Union American," an unconstitutional prosecution. Court although to porn not protected by the constitution, punishment is defend against the crime punishment and other reasons, but in the end the court still on constitutional finalized the new regulation of the network failure. Two years later, the United States and the introction of the Online Protection Act Child (COPA), and also suffered the same fate with the.
Whether the government should intervene in the network public opinion, the problem in the theoretical circle has been e to the different conditions of the country, but in practice, but in practice, the government did not give up on the network public opinion management, different just in the management, or more direct management, or more indirect management.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 02:08

In the government should not manage the problem of network public opinion, there are two basic opposing views. Some people think that the Internet should not be managed, the content itself is difficult to control who publish information, who receive information, the implementation of the specific object is very vague, can not be managed; from the network development, management is in a booming stage, control is to limit the normal development of the network, some basic content classification, filtering and so on. For many reasons, some people will be the government of the network public opinion management as "manufacturing network world of the village fool", the network is the lack of basic understanding of technical characteristics. But as a government, for the protection of children's network security, stop terrorist activities, control of racial hatred, restrictions on commercial unfair competition and so on a variety of reasons, on control and management of the network public opinion regarded as their bounden responsibility and obligation. The most popular way of the government is: have modified the existing regulations to include the management of network public opinion, or simply introce new network regulations.
The most dramatic color rich, United States in 1996 issued new "telecommunication law" communication Decency Act (CDA). The bill requires Internet information provider to ensure that pornography is not received by the children, and offenders sentenced to 25 million -- $50 million in fines and 2 years in prison. The result was the "Civil Liberties Union American," an unconstitutional prosecution. Court although to porn not protected by the constitution, punishment is defend against the crime punishment and other reasons, but in the end the court still on constitutional finalized the new regulation of the network failure. Two years later, the United States and the introction of the Online Protection Act Child (COPA), and also suffered the same fate with the.
Whether the government should intervene in the network public opinion, the problem in the theoretical circle has been e to the different conditions of the country, but in practice, but in practice, the government did not give up on the network public opinion management, different just in the management, or more direct management, or more indirect management.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 02:08

In the government should not manage the problem of network public opinion, there are two basic opposing views. Some people think that the Internet should not be managed, the content itself is difficult to control who publish information, who receive information, the implementation of the specific object is very vague, can not be managed; from the network development, management is in a booming stage, control is to limit the normal development of the network, some basic content classification, filtering and so on. For many reasons, some people will be the government of the network public opinion management as "manufacturing network world of the village fool", the network is the lack of basic understanding of technical characteristics. But as a government, for the protection of children's network security, stop terrorist activities, control of racial hatred, restrictions on commercial unfair competition and so on a variety of reasons, on control and management of the network public opinion regarded as their bounden responsibility and obligation. The most popular way of the government is: have modified the existing regulations to include the management of network public opinion, or simply introce new network regulations.
The most dramatic color rich, United States in 1996 issued new "telecommunication law" communication Decency Act (CDA). The bill requires Internet information provider to ensure that pornography is not received by the children, and offenders sentenced to 25 million -- $50 million in fines and 2 years in prison. The result was the "Civil Liberties Union American," an unconstitutional prosecution. Court although to porn not protected by the constitution, punishment is defend against the crime punishment and other reasons, but in the end the court still on constitutional finalized the new regulation of the network failure. Two years later, the United States and the introction of the Online Protection Act Child (COPA), and also suffered the same fate with the.
Whether the government should intervene in the network public opinion, the problem in the theoretical circle has been e to the different conditions of the country, but in practice, but in practice, the government did not give up on the network public opinion management, different just in the management, or more direct management, or more indirect management.
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