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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 05:53



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 05:27

Oh ohh noo ohh ohh
Gave you the benefit of the doubt
Till you showed me what your all about
True colours came out
Oh ohh
And your words couldn't hide the scent
Of the truth about where you been
Coz it was a fragrence I can't recognize
Standing there
Scratching your head
Blood shot eyes drunk with regret
Hanging yourself turn deep over the edge
I'm done with this
Feeling like an idiot
Lovin you I'm over it
I just don't love you don't love you no more
You you are so yesterday
Never thought you'd loose my love this way
Now you've come back begging me to stay
Say you you are so yesterday
Won't let you rain on my parade
Don't wanna hear a thing you say
So yesterday
Funny now how I've gone
The little light in your head came on
Now you've realized this is all your fault
Oh ohh
Don't you wish you had a time machine
That way you could change history
It's the only way that you could be with me
Standing there
Scratching your head
Blood shot eyes drunk with regret
Hanging yourself turn deep over the edge
I'm done with this
Feeling like an idiot
Lovin you I'm over it
I just don't love you don t love you no more…
You you are so yesterday
Never thought you'd loose my love this way
Now you've come back begging me to stay
Honey you you are so yesterday
Won't let you rain on my parade
Don't wanna hear a thing you say
So yesterday
And now you wanna reminisce
Say you wanna try again
Started with a little kiss
(we can't even repent) no no
now I never wanna see you never wanna feel you
ever wanna hear you
I don't love you don't need you can't stand you
No More…
You you are so yesterday
Never thought you'd loose my love this way
Now you've come back begging me to stay
Baby you……
you are so yesterday
Won't let you rain on my parade
Don't wanna hear a thing you say
So yesterday
So yesterday
So yesterday
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