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英语作文泰山:泰安在泰山脚下,在第二天早晨两点开始爬山,看日出.到山 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 05:54



热心网友 时间:2023-01-29 01:38

Summer vacation, my father, my mother and I climb Mount Tai, climb Mount Tai. Taishan altitude of 1545 meters. Let's take the coach to reach the Zhongtian Gate, from the day the door began to climb, there are still about 4000 steps. Began to climb in the next two o'clock, we start climbing with a mineral water and food. Mom and Dad started to go very slow, I always wanted more than them, so climb quickly. Ten minutes later, I was closer and slow, like legs hanging sandbags, like heart beat faster and faster, as if the eyes pop out from the throat, as sweat rolled down like soybeans from the forehead. Dad looking at me really too tired to walk, and to suggest that we take a cool place beside it.
A short break, we start climbing up. Just started a little better, but I walked on, I started to feel very weak feet, lift could not lift up, so I begged breathlessly: "Mom, I walk, we go back." Dad Man head profusely and said: "You see in front of grandfather and kids are climbing it, how do you give up.?" her mother said: "! insisted that victory, the most beautiful scenery in the last of it." In this way, the three of us encouraging indivials to each other, continue to climb.
Yuhuangding finally reached the peak, ah, where the scenery is so beautiful ah! Clouds floating in the air, the feeling seems to have become immortal, like standing on the clouds, waves of cool wind blowing in our face, really cool ah! Ask Under overlook, many people are still struggling to climb upward. I would like to say to them: "! Come on, do not give up, above the beautiful scenery waiting for you."
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