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汉译英 请不要机译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 06:11



热心网友 时间:2022-06-15 02:54

The second part of the exhibition, with a theme of ‘a prosperous period and a strong country’, focuses on the ritual and music culture of West Zhou period(1046 B.C.-771 B.C.). The articles exhibited here are mainly the bronze wares unearthed in Zhou Yuan area in Shan Xi province and in Bai Caopo of Ling Tai County in Gan Shu province, both in the northwestern part of China. Through the inscription, design and workmanship displayed on these bronze wares, a picture of a strong and prosperous West Zhou unfolds in front of us. The country’s prosperity and rapid development not only fostered the splendid bronze culture and far-reaching Chinese ritual and music culture, but also provides the solid ground for the later generations to know more about the origin of Chinese culture.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-15 02:54

The second unit of the exhibition, the flouring age, puts an emphasis on the “Liyue” civilization in Western Zhou Dynasty. The exhibits mainly include the bronze ware unearthed in Zhouyuan, Central Shanxi Plain and Baicaopo, Lingtai of Gansu Province. Through an introction of the posy, ornamentation and technics of bronze ware, it presents a vivid discription of the prosperous people of Zhou Dynasty in the valley of Weihe river, the bright culture of bronze ware and the far-reaching civilization of “Liyue”, in which the origin of Chinese civilization also find a convincing expression.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-15 02:55

The second unit of the exhibition, the flouring age, puts an emphasis on the “Liyue” civilization in Western Zhou Dynasty. The exhibits mainly include the bronze ware unearthed in Zhouyuan, Central Shanxi Plain and Baicaopo, Lingtai of Gansu Province. Through an introction of the posy, ornamentation and technics of bronze ware, it presents a vivid discription of the prosperous people of Zhou Dynasty in the valley of Weihe river, the bright culture of bronze ware and the far-reaching civilization of “Liyue”, in which the origin of Chinese civilization also find a convincing expression.
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