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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 23:19



热心网友 时间:2023-04-28 03:51


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12ytK9VGJZ2fUhakwdmeZeA

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热心网友 时间:2023-04-28 03:51




As a country boasting a vast territory and encompassing a large population, people in many places of China speak their own dialects. Dialects vary greatly in pronunciation but slightly in vocabulary and grammar. Some dialects, especially those from the north and the south, are so different that their speakers often have trouble understanding each other. Although dialects are considered as an integral part of the local culture, the number of people who can speak them has been undergoing a continuous decline in recent years. In order to encourage people to speak local dialects more often, some local governments have taken measures such as setting up dialect courses and broadcasting dialect programs on radio and TV, with a hope to preserve the local cultural heritage.




The Chinese language is used as native language by the greatest number of people in the world. One of the significant distinctions between Chinese and Western languages lies in that it is composed of characters rather than letters. The Chinese language is the oldest writing system still in use. In China, although people from different regions may not understand each other's dialects, they have little difficulty in communicating because Chinese characters are written in a uniform form. The Chinese language has played quite an important role in the unification of the Chinese nation in history. Nowadays, with China's rapid economic growth and increasing global influence, more and more people in other countries begin to learn Chinese.


成语(Chinese idioms)是汉语中的一种独特的表达方式,大多由四个汉字组成。它们高度简练且形式固定,但通常能形象地表达深刻的含义。成语大多来源于中国古代的文学作品,通常与某些神话、传说或者历史事件有关。如果不知道某个成语的出处,就很难理解其确切含义。因此,学习成语有助于人们更好地理解中国传统文化。成语在日常会话和文学创作中广泛使用。恰当使用成语可以使一个人的语言更具表现力,交流更有效。

参考译文:Chinese idioms are a unique way of expression in Chinese, mostly composed of four characters. Although highly concise and fixed in form, they usually can convey profound meaning vividly. Most idioms are derived from ancient Chinese literary works and are usually related to some myths, legends or historical events. It is difficult to understand the exact meaning of an idiom without knowledge of its origin. Therefore, learning idioms helps people better understand Chinese traditional culture. Idioms are widely used in daily conversation and literary creation. Proper use of idioms can make one's language more expressive and communication more effective.


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