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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 14:59



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 08:00

Coal is an important social progress in modern energy, with coal mining and mine is the health of every year so that people grieved a major disaster. From my frequent mining accidents within the framework of the cruel fact based, on the significance of this subject and background . Anping from the town of Guanyin Coal Mine in Hunan Province, "12.13" start with mine accident, the mine through interviews with family cases, concerns the survival of the family situation of mine, "rest assured coal mine" of mine accidents, mine-locating Of the reasons for the different levels, through the frequent mining accidents at home and abroad for the prevention and resolution mechanisms, to identify the frequent mining accidents in China and the prevention and solution, the establishment of a system involving all levels of society, a sound Mechanism to concern about the survival of the family situation of mine.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 08:00

The coal is the modern society progressive important energy, but follows the coal mining fresh mining accident is every year lets the people distressed significant disaster. This article brutal fact foothold which the mining accident frequency sends from our country scope, elaborates this topic significance and the background. Settles the Ping Town Goddess of Mercy coal mine from Hunan Province “12.13” the mining accident to obtain, through to the mining accident family's case interview, the attention mining accident family's survival circumstances, from “felt relieved coal mine” the mining accident, tracks down various stratification planes reason which the mining accident frequency sends, through domestic and foreign the prevention which and the solution mechanism comparison sends regarding the mining accident frequency, discovers our country mining accident frequency to send with the prevention and the solution, establishes a system, to involve social various levels, the consummation mechanism to pay attention to the mining accident family the survival circumstances.
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