发布时间:2022-04-29 20:46
时间:2022-06-22 13:00
英语翻译:Sunshine Campus
时间:2022-06-22 13:01
Sunny campus
英语作文 阳光校园 300词 快Our campus is not only a scholarly campus, or a loving the campus. Here not only has the sound of reading, and if the parents as teachers, with the solidarity of the classes. The teachers and students love like sunlight, warm my heart, is it floating in the campus, floating...
校园春景的英语作文带翻译美丽的校园 Beautiful campus My campus is the most unforgettable place in my whole life, miss my mother similar, I love you, great campus.我的校园是我一生中最难忘的地方,就像思念我的母亲一样,我爱你,伟大的校园。My campus front door has the name of mother school on the door ...
介绍校园的英语作文When the breeze gently hold LiuXu reflexes, When the sun begins its golden appered handsome cherry trees on the time, When the beautiful flower in the air to reach several long and then gently landed, we are enjoying happiness of campus life.In the morning, happy bird singing a...
英文写作文我的学校我的学校英语作文带翻译【篇一:初中英语作文:我的校园生活myschoollife】初中英语作文:我的校园生活myschoollifemynameislily,agradeeightstudent.ilikemyschoollifeverymuchbecauseitsreallyenjoyable.inschool,ispentthetimewithmylovelyclas *** atesandteachers.theyallhelpmealoithmystudyandlife.我的名字叫莉莉,是八年级...
"阳光校园 我的大学生活"为主题的作文第五项规划是英语过级的问题。这是每一个大学生都在考虑的事。因为只有英语过了四级,学位证才能拿到手,要不然,大学四年就白混了。我计划在大二的时候过四级,所以,从现在开始,我必须努力的学习英语,当然,每一科都很重要,不能因为英语而放弃其他学科,同样拿不到学位证。所以每一科都应予以...
假如让你来介绍你的学校,你会怎样介绍(中学)(用英语,带翻译)(写河南省...在阳光的照射下,闪闪发光!看到它,就知道“新世纪学校”是开启知识宝库的钥匙,是开启人美好心灵的钥匙,是开启21世纪全面素质人才的钥匙……新世纪的祖国花朵在这里成长,新世纪的祖国的太阳在这里升起! 我爱我的学校,因为她环境优美! 新世纪的校园,四季如春。鲜花争奇斗艳,五彩缤纷,是 “花的海洋”。校园中央的...
sunny怎么读英语sunny英语读音:英[ˈsʌni],美[ˈsʌni];中文翻译:形容词,作形容词时意为“阳光充足的,和煦的;快活的;性情开朗的”。sunny造句 1、These clothes should be put out to air on a sunny day.这些衣服好天儿要拿出去晒晒。2、Life is sunny and cloudy.人生有晴又...