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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 07:39



热心网友 时间:2023-06-30 22:22

翻译:ST attached file is my company to buy the outsole, please call me to help pay for the financial sector, thanks!

附档是ST做dev sample的请款资料,请帮忙向LE客人请款,另外这些钱是不需要给工厂的,因为所有的材料是我们买给工厂去做样品的;
翻译:ST attached file is please do dev sample paragraph, please help the guests invited to the LE models, while the money is not necessary to plant, because all the material that we bought for the factory to do the sample;

热心网友 时间:2023-06-30 22:22

Attached to documents is my hunger is the outsole, please help me call the finance department to help pay for it. thank you! the attached document is skin deep to the sample dev of information, please help me to le guests, please, and the money is no need for factories, because all the material is what we get to the factory to the sample.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-30 22:23

1.Attached file is my company to purchase ST outsole, please call the Finance Department to help pay for it, thank you!
2.Attached file is a sample of ST do dev requests information, please help to LE guest requests, and the money is not necessary to the factory,
3.because all the materials we buy factories to make samples

1. Leave what you want to say. We will walk with you side by side 365 days round the year.2. Dear friends, the website of XXX company has been put into operation after a period of time of preparations. Welcome to surf our website to get more information about our pro...


5, responsible for staff training, to do pre-service, quality, professional training.


Recruitment and salary market fresh technical demand salary and company do not match, unable to recruit suitable fresh mechanic; exterior technical orientation training plan and internal advance scheme coexist, and increase the fresh workers salary standard, alleviate fresh technician difficult ...


因为我不熟悉XX镇,As I am not familiar with XX town 地图上哪些地方有错,where there are errors on the map,请帮我标出来 kindly please point (highlight) them out to me 本人所绘的交通指向地图有误 The traffic directions in the map prepared by me are erroneous ...


翻译为:See attached sample file of the latest report, to date we have sent out most of the samples, all the shipping information and the bill of lading numbers are written in the above, please note that tracking and check; thank you!The one pair of send usa office;The 0.5...


A story of love and hurt 3.少年侦探的故事 A story of teenager detectives 4.学会原谅 Learn to forgive 5.一个夏天的回忆 Memories of the whole summer.6.会一直想念你 I shall be thinking about you all the time.7.他和它的故事 The story of him and it.9.谁的加州之梦 Whose ...


如果没有对应的英文名,要按汉语拼音翻译成:Jin Long Wei 但英文的公司名一般是一个单词,因此很多中国的公司会找一个特别的单词(音近或好听、好叫的)来作为公司名,个人认为:Kinowai 是个不错的名字,与中文的“金龙威”读音相近,英文也好发音,外国人叫起来也顺。


will therefore not have means each design to be able to give you completely to confirm first, but can confirm in the daytime for you the design I will give you to confirm first as far as possible, will look at forgiveness 2.请将”packing list"&"comnercial invoice”&”summa...


Dear friend,Thank you for your reply. We are so sorry for the problem of our product that you mentioned.This is our mistake ,and we will hold a meeting to discuss with it. We will correct the quality, and we promise that there will not be the same problem from now on. ...


There is a problem needs your help about product A.In the specification file,the test condition is 100K.But in the working standard, the test condition is 10K.So which one is the criterion or which one is correct?

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