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:-D 请把下面的段落翻译为英文哦~~急!!!谢谢~~~...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 08:04



:-D 请把下面的段落翻译为英文哦~~急!!!谢谢~~~这是我的论文摘要~~请...

The increase of private town enterprises and individual business operators has showed that initiative business operating is becoming more and more popular, which, to some extent, will ease the employment pressure. The success of initiative business will depend on its region in a certain ...

请将以下论文摘要翻译为英文: PS:哪位大神帮下忙,不要用翻译软件哦...

看在<江苏美女>份上, 我帮你译...不需要给分! o(N_N)o "As the social, economic and cultural development evolves, the human ideas and concepts also follow suit. In our monogamous system, we observe that more and more "third persons" appear to discrupt others' valid marriages...


1664 New York is born 1775 American Revolution 1776 makes "the Declaration of Independence" 1781 United States of America is independent 1791 New York Stock Exchange business 1831 New York University establish 1851 "the New York Times" establishes 1880 metropolis muse...


巨大的海浪撞击着船体,我还没来得及反应,安全带就断了,接着我被海浪抛出了船外。我听到有人喊了起来,但WILE ONE 渐渐隐没在黑暗中而把我留在粗暴的大海中。此后我在离岸50千米的海水中待了5个半小时,就在事故发生的地方。很有可能我再也见不到明天的太阳了,可我认为能克服困难。一开始我寻找...


I have my own unique insights on things, the abilities to adapt any change. I always take a serious and responsible attitude to what I do. I have developed a strong sense of responsibility and innovation. I have a high level of adaptability and learning ability. I am good at ...


1 现在正在写信给你 I am writing a letter to you now.2 我们相遇在美丽的春天 We met in the beautiful spring 3 希望可以和你度过每一个夏天 Hope I can spend every summer with you 4 希望可以和你度过每一个秋天 Hope I can spend every autumn with you 5 和冬天 And winter 6 每天...


Butterfly flower drunk, but the wind flying flowers, flowers dancing flower tears, crying flower petals fly, flowers for whom Xie, Hua Xie for whom grief.


The samples you sent us are just the styles we often do and are doing with.Jeff, do you mean that we should first make 200 samples for you?Here I sent the prices of these styles to your company:The price of the first three is about 17 yuan each and prices of the ...


300PCS just check the goods, not the number of rework has been good, but not the same as the proportion of mixed, there is not the same weight, only the control of plus or minus 2


我的青春我做主 My youth I make decision 不同的人对未来有不同的看法,不同的人选择不同的人生方式。但不管如何不同,四年之后我们将面对同样的问题——工作!大学是一个自由的天堂,我们的青春得到绽放。但我们不能在这个地方迷失了方向,要为未来做好准备。Different people have different opinions...

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