HBDI 全脑测试的相关试卷-全部积分奉送!!
发布时间:2022-04-20 08:32
时间:2023-12-16 08:02
小弟带回来一本书《全脑优势》,主要围绕HBDI来写的,以前根本没有听过,Herrmann Brain Dominace Instrument,赫曼全脑优势评测工具,主要是ABCD四个象限,分别对应不同的特征,据说蛮准,可惜似乎做一次要RBM8000,贵啊。附上一个问卷调查http://www.guyong.cn/blog/photo/hbdi.pdf,可以寄到service@wholebrain.com.cn,书上说可以提供免费的全脑咨询回馈,可以试试看。
What is the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument?
The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument was developed over 60 years ago by Ned Herrmann hired by GE to return GE to an innovative company. Ned Herrmann's charter was to learn how to make people creative.
What could I learn from the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument?
From the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument you can learn about your own thinking styles. You can gain insight into those styles that are your strengths and those styles that could use development, thus having a chance to optimize your personal effectiveness.
How could my team or my organization use the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument?
For an organization, the Herrmann Brain Dominance can lead a group to understand its strengths and areas for development. When each person understands their thinking styles and in turn can understand each others a team can reach a new level of performance through this mutual understanding. The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument is one key to open the doors of communication.
What kinds of questions are in the assessment?
Follow this link to see the assessment.
I'm interested in doing the assessment, how do I go about that?
The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument must be administered by a certified HBDI practitioner. You may contact me at 610-436-4570 or via email at infoac@accsys-corp.com to learn more about taking the survey.
I would like to have my organization or team take the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument. How do I arrange this?
The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument must be administered to a group by a certified HBDI practitioner. You may contact me at 610-436-4570 or via email at infoac@accsys-corp.com to learn more about taking the survey.
[本日志由 admin 于 2007-05-02 11:01 AM 编辑]
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时间:2023-12-16 08:02
HBDI 全脑测试的相关试卷-全部积分奉送!!
小弟带回来一本书《全脑优势》,主要围绕HBDI来写的,以前根本没有听过,Herrmann Brain Dominace Instrument,赫曼全脑优势评测工具,主要是ABCD四个象限,分别对应不同的特征,据说蛮准,可惜似乎做一次要RBM8000,贵啊。附上一个问卷调查http://www.guyong.cn/blog/photo/hbdi.pdf,可以寄到service@...
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