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英语作文bottled water的利弊

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 13:43



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 04:53

Many people love drinking bottled water .They think that it is better to drink bottled water than to drink _water_ out of tap .But all those _bottles_ are also bad for the environment .For example ,Americans buy more bottled water ,29 million bottles a year ,than any other _country_ in the world.Water factories use 17 million barrels of crude oil to make all these plastic bottles.Thw same oil can keep a million cars going for twelve months.Recycling plastic bottles can help _a lot_ for our envrionment .But every six plastic bottles we use ,only _one_ of them is put into the recycling bin.The rest are sent to landfills,or people throw them away as trash on the land and in _rivers_ ,lakes ,and the ocean .The fact is that it takes many hundreds of _years_ for the plastic bottles to disintegrate.Water is good for you ,but think about _why_ you use plastic bottles ,and see if you can make a change :if you take _one_ to school ,don’t throw it away --_take_ it home and use it foe the next day.
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