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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 10:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 08:28

Tutankhamen's curse

The removal of ancient Egypt's 18th dynasty pharaoh of the 12th, he took over in 1361 BC the baton sun god Amun, the only nine-year-old on board the pharaoh's throne.

Tutankhamen well known, is attributable to discover when he was kept intact for the rich and the funerary goods and the attendant mysterious story - Pharaoh's curse.

November 26, 1923, the British archaeologist Carter and Mr Fung that Earl and his excavation team found the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamen. Piling up inside a lot of treasure, and there are two tall statue of the Shouzhe this hall, behind them, the first written warning: I was guarding the King Tutankhamen, I use the Desert fire expulsion Dao Muzei .

Carter did not Fangzaiyanli this remark, he continued to tap.

February 27, 1923 morning, a Cobra Carter's visit into a residential, it will be the lucky birds of the Canary hanged. Cobra legend is the guardian of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh, this is not a good sign.
The jubilant Carter was not deterred this snake to his hands did not stop. A few days later, the pharaonic tombs in the room has been opened.

King Tutankhamen in the room was opened, no one is concerned about the room in front of a small Beiji. It was the second fear is the curse: "who disturbed the pharaoh's sleep, death will open their wings fell in his head."

In this clean-up after the excavation, Carter found two curse, warning people to give up this disrespect of the grave, but that Carter and Ding Feng are Haobuzaiyi.
On at this time, a mosquito that Ding Feng in the face of the Earl of a bite. I seem to make this small small
Feng was the extreme shock, he sick. Launched a high fever, teeth are falling one after another. Early March, Carnahan Feng neck swelling, had pneumonia.

In late March, Carnahan Feng helicopter to the high fever of 40 degrees, and continued for 12 days. The doctor said that Earl is in shaving the time Gepo a wound caused by the infection. But he can not explain why the Earl of a high fever has been the call: "I heard his voice, I want to with her to go to the."

Then, on April 5 in 2:00, and suddenly the whole are stopped, Cairo, the city sank into a three thousand years ago the same as the dark night.
A quiet, the 57-year-old Ding Feng Earl died. At the same time, he far in the UK dog also died.

But this does not deter Carter's curiosity, he insisted on open sarcophagus.

The removal of the coffin inside a human body actually is in accordance with the shape of the fight with pure gold. This opened the final luxury coffin, Yingru eye is a lifelike masks of gold, covering the mummy's face.

This pair of gold masks, experienced three more than 1,000 years, still Zhuozhuo pressing black eyes, as if to see into the grave robbers who have been the depths of the soul.

Carter grave robbers who want to get close to the mummy was in the jewellery, and one named Douglas. Delhi doctors will be even less well-preserved mummy of Pharaoh cut three, but rough tactics. In the process of cutting, Delhi doctors also have a startling discovery: the mummy on the left cheek, a formation of his ulcer and wound ---- Ding Feng Count by mosquitoes that bite wounds in the same location.

In the ensuing years, with the removal of dozens of people involved, Curan has died. Among them, to explore, there are visitors and researchers.

For a time, on the "pharaoh's curse" that rocked the world.
However, what is really wanted in the end, scientists and enthusiasts has been in constant pursuit.
There are several explanations, the first explanation is that viruses and fungi, the second interpretation is poison, a third explanation is that radiation of the radiation, the fourth possible explanation is psychological pressure.
People seem willing to accept the "pharaonic curse" the magic hypnosis, passing away in the years to find the mysterious longing for sustenance ring childhood curiosity.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 08:28

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