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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 10:54



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 12:37

Guizhou past (Qian) this place did not donkeys. There is a troubled person with a shipping to a donkey, after the transportation is not useful, they donkey into the foothills.

  A tiger to see the donkey, that this body must be very tall guy magic, hiding in the woods secretly watching and then come out quietly, carefully approaching donkey, donkeys do not know the Dixi.

  One day, the Lvjiao out, the tiger was shocked, far evade that donkeys have to bite their own, very afraid. However, the tiger after repeated observation that the donkey and no special skills, but more and more familiar with the sounds of a donkey.

  Tiger started the donkey come before and after the turn to turn to, dare not attack boost donkey. After the tiger slowly approaching donkeys, more aggressive, or Pengta to, or Kaota to constantly offended it. Donkey very angry, with Tiziquti tiger.

  Tiger calculating mind: "You have the ability Buguoruci much!" Very happy. Tiger was vacated Puqu, yelling out, the pipes Yaoan a donkey, the donkey Kenwan the meat, leaving only the.

  Alas! The donkey tall body, like a virtue; resonant voice, seems to have ability. If not demonstrate that the limited ability, although the ferocious tiger, will also have misgivings about the psychological fear, dare not end its attacks. Now come to this end, it is not very sad?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 12:37


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