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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 22:38



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 18:42

Most nights in the Bucket home, dinner is a watered-down bowl of cabbage soup, which young Charlie gladly shares with his mother and father and both pairs of grandparents. Every night, the last thing Charlie sees from his window is Willy Wonka's great factory, and he drifts off to sleep dreaming about what might be inside. For nearly fifteen years, no one has seen a single worker going in or coming out of the factory, or caught a glimpse of Wonka himself, yet, great quantities of chocolate are still being made and shipped all over the world. One day Willy Wonka makes a momentous announcement. He will open his famous factory and reveal "all of its secrets and magic" to five lucky children who find golden tickets hidden inside five randomly selected Wonka chocolate bars. Nothing would make Charlie's family happier than to see him win but the odds are very much against him as they can only afford to buy one chocolate bar a year, for his birthday. One by one, news breaks around the world about the children finding golden tickets and Charlie's hope grows dimmer. But then, something wonderful happens. Charlie finds some money on the snowy street and takes it to the nearest store for a Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight. There, under the wrapper is a flash of gold. It's the last ticket. Charlie is going to the factory! The family decides that Grandpa Joe, who used to work in the factory, should be the one to accompany Charlie on this adventure. Once inside, Charlie is dazzled by one amazing sight after another. Wondrous gleaming contraptions of Wonka's own invention churn, pop, and whistle, crews of merry Oompa-Loompas mine mountains of fudge beside a frothy chocolate waterfall, a hundred trained squirrels on a hundred tiny stools shell nuts for chocolate bars, and Wonka himself pilots an impossible glass elevator that rockets every which way you can think of through the fantastic factory. Almost as intriguing as his fanciful inventions is Willy Wonka. He thinks about nothing but candy--except, every once in a while, when he seems to be thinking about something that happened long ago, that he can't quite talk about. Meanwhile, the other children prove to be a rotten bunch, and one by one, their greedy personalities lead them into all kinds of trouble that force them off the tour. When only Charlie is left, Willie Wonka reveals the final secret, the absolute grandest prize of all: the keys to the factory itself.


简介如下:小查理生长的一个小镇里有一个全世界最大的巧克力工厂,工厂由一个伟大的巧克力发明家、制造商威利旺卡所拥有。工厂非常神秘,大门紧锁,全镇子的人从来没有看见有人从大门进去或出来过。In a small town where little Charlie grew up, there was the largest chocolate factory in the world...

查理与巧克力工厂 英文简介

简介:Little boy Charlie Baxter lives with his parents, grandparents and grandparents. Although the family was poor, the Baxters lived in a crumbling wooden house and were in harmony with each other.Although every night, the family's seven mouthful dinner is cabbage soup, little Char...

查理的巧克力工厂 英文介绍

电影讲述了查理是一个善良的小男孩,包括查理在内的5个幸运的孩子抽中了金色的奖券,并获得参观一个充满神秘色彩的巧克力工厂的资格。So the kids go on a mysterious adventure in a strange factory that hasn't been visited in 15 years.于是几个孩子来到了这个已经15年没有人来过的古怪工厂,参...


under the wrapper is a flash of gold. It's the last ticket. Charlie is going to the factory! The family decides that Grandpa Joe, who used to work in the factory, should be the one to accompany Charlie on this adventure. Once inside, Charlie is dazzled by one amazing sight...


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory plot summary It's the story of an ordinary boy: Charlie Bucket. He was no stronger or faster than anyone else, his family was not rich, powerful or well connected but he was the luckiest boy in the entire world, he just didn't know it yet...

求一篇 200-300字的《查理和巧克力工厂》这部电影 的 英文情节概述,谢谢...

Charlie Bucket is a kind and loving boy living in poverty. Down the street is Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, which reopened after industrial espionage forced him into seclusion and to sack his employees. Charlie's Grandpa Joe worked for Wonka before the termination.Wonka announces a...


Charlie finds the last golden ticket and goes on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure with his grandpa Joe. Among the other four winners are Veruca Salt, a spoiled rich girl; Augustus Gloop, a gluttonous kid who stuffs his face with sweets; Violet Beuragarde, a champion trophy gum...


burton and Johnny Depp, willy wonka, Freddie, hammer ACTS the role of Charlie buck. This is in the 1971 film "willy wonka and the chocolate factory" after the second movie is adapted from the book, on a "willy wonka and the chocolate factory" is by Mel Stuart guidance....

查理和巧克力工厂前半部分内容介绍三句话 英文版

with his grandfather.- 查理很穷,但他很幸运。威利?旺卡有一天世界上最大的工厂是invinted五个孩子,只有你去探望他的工厂找到黄金门票。查理发现一张票,去了工厂和他的祖父。


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 film adaptation of the 1964 book of the same name by Roald Dahl. Directed by Tim Burton, the film stars Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket and Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. The storyline concerns a young boy (Highmore) winning a tour ...

查理和巧克力工厂英文摘抄 查理和巧克力工厂英文版原著 查理和巧克力工厂台词英文版 查理和巧克力工厂英语观后感 查理和巧克力工厂的作者是谁 查理和他的巧克力工厂 查理和巧克力工厂全文 查理与巧克力英文原文 查理巧克力工厂英语版
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