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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 22:37



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 18:04

1. This stylish and modern coat comes in two different colors: blue and brown. The zipper and buttons are in gold color. There are four pockets. A pull-out hat is hidden within the collar (with a golden color zipper).

2. This coat mixes modern and retro styles. It has squares pattern and match with a variety of shirtst. The material is 100% polyster, and it is popular for all-season wear.

3. Blue floral (Pharbitis) pattern with polka dots, exuding lightness and elegance. The fabric is breatheable and comfortable, perfect for summer wear.

4. This T-shirt comes in three styles: black and white stripes, green and white stripes, and brown and white stripes. These simple styles are feminine and a hint of summer fun.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 18:05

1. This coat (coat) has two colors, blue and brown, zipper and buttons to choose aureate, four pocket design, with golden zipper, hiding wind coat, noble, fashion. 2. The coat blend of modern and vintage style, simplicity, tartan, easy to match line, 100% polyester, suitable for four seasons wear, popular with the customers. 3. The blue "morning glory" pattern and the wave point design, lightsome, elegant, drafty, comfortable, suitable for summer wear. 4. T-shirts have three colors, are black and white stripe, green white stripe and brown and white stripes, t-shirts is concise and is equipped with a young girl, with a taste of summer.
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