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中译英 单片机计算器论文摘要(谢谢,在线等)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 22:03



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 00:24

In recent years, as computer penetration in the social field and large-scale development of integrated circuits, microcontroller applications are continually deepening, because of its powerful function, small size, low power consumption, cheap, reliable, easy to use, etc. therefore particularly suitable for systems with control of more and more widely used in automatic control, intelligent instruments, meters, data acquisition, military procts and home appliances fields,
As one of the main branch of microcomputer, microcontroller in the structure of the biggest feature is the CPU, RAM and ROM memory, timer and multiple I / O interface circuit integrated on a VLSI chip. The composition and function from its point of view, a single chip is actually a computer.
This design is the use of MSC-51 microcontroller to design the four-digit calculator, using C programming language to achieve calculator functions. 4X4 external keyboard, the keyboard scan to finish by the number of control values and make the drive circuit to the cathode results in a total of seven-segment digital tube display properly, and has cleared at any time to complete key calculation and display clear. Calculator to complete an integer from 0 to 9999 plus / minus / multiply / divide.
Implementation of the process is as follows:
Power is displayed 0, waiting type value, when the input numbers, will come out through the digital display, the input +,-,*,/ operator, the calculator in the internal implementation of the numerical conversion and storage, and wait for the re-enter the value, when Type the value in the type of value will be displayed by an equal sign will be displayed in the digital control operation results.
Key words: SCM calculator keyboard scan C language

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