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don’t need to怎么造句

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 23:19



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 17:00

I dont need to go to school today because it is Sunday!
don’t need to怎么造句

I dont need to go to school today because it is Sunday!

need'nt dont need 区别 造句

因为你选择了don't来帮助否定,所以其后加动词时,必须加上不定式符号to.例句如下:You don't need to go to school on Sunday =You needn't go to school on Sunday.典型错误就是交叉使用两种性质不同的need.比如:You don't need go to shcool on Sunday或者You needn't to go to school on...


用英语anybody造句:1、Anybody can use the pool ─ you don't need to be a member.任何人都可使用这个游泳池,不必是会员。2、She can hold her own against anybody in an argument.她在辩论中不会让任何人占上风。3、She wasn't anybody before she got that job.她在获得那个职位之前不...

Don t怎么造句?一到六年级的知识

很多,don't later for, don't eat in class, don't fight, don't run, don't listen to music, don't wear a hat

时间状语用while造句 while做状语时应该这样用

1、Mommy, you don't need to stay while we talk.妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪着.2、While in Vienna he studied music.他在维也纳时学习音乐。3、While he was eating, I asked him to lend me $2.当他正在吃饭时,我请他借给我二英镑。4、While two detectives were keeping guard at the ...


Looking at the North Sea, you don't need to say the vastness of the sea, nor the magnificence of the sea and sky. Just the silvery soft light on the silver beach will shake your heart. 、不必说那金碧辉煌的布达拉宫,也不必说那冰雪覆盖的天山,单是那一望无际的碧草蓝天就够我们陶醉的了。


You don’t need to stay. 你没有必要留下。 This plan needs careful thought. 这个计划需要好好考虑。 We need to be especially careful. 我们需要特别小心。 (2) 当need表示客观上的需要时,其后可接不定式或动名词,注意:接动名词时要用主动形式表示被动含义。 如:这个句子需要解释。 正:This sentence ne...


needn't go.他不必走。Need he go so soon?他这么快就要走吗?3.Need 的助动词形式主要用于现在时态的疑问句、否定句和条件句中。它们在意思上和用作实义动词的形式有细微的区别,它们总指外部加强的压力。因此我们可以说你没必要 (或不太正规的 don't need to )填两份表格 ,但是对于物体来...


3、Anyway,l don't need to tell you what l think about Plato's ideas aboutinnovation,do l?(无论如何,我不需要告诉你们我对柏拉图的创新思想的看法,对吧?)4、 To go in for technicalinnovation,one must have the fearless spirit of a pathbreaker.(搞技术革新就要有一股不怕困难...


personal造句:1. Please respect my personal space.请尊重我的个人空间。2. I don't want to discuss my personal life.我不想谈论我的个人生活。3. She keeps her personal belongings in a locker.她把个人物品存放在储物柜里。4. The personal computer has revolutionized the way we work....

don't mention it needn't to do need to造句 be interested in don't have to need to do no longer什么意思 at that moment spend doing
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