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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 01:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 12:30

Electric pumps applies to dry oil lubrication system, the lubrication pump to electric fuel filling lubricant. The piston pump for an displacement pump, gear motor driven directly by eccentric, turning, tension reciprocating motion suction pressure oil output function, smooth operation, high pressure, exports have filtering device.
Electric pumps are mainly cycloidal recer, transmission parts, piston pump major components, etc. The purchase would cover, then remove 200L barrels of oil will display cover to 200L oil pump, will cover with oil, rotating speed recer, transmission and eccentric which fork eccentric and reciprocating motion, make the fork and smooth linkage card by connecting with the piston pump is connected, in which the piston make fluctuation reciprocating motion. The piston upward movement, pipe fitting opens, oil within the cap is inhaled work within the working medium inside the cavity, piston, piston, close fitting, tube downward motion within the cap, within the pistons fitting close fitting opens, the work of the cavity through check and owing to medium, so for the pistons, constantly reciprocating motion of the injection process continuously.
Electric pumps used in the transmission to the former must case raises 50 # JiXieYou according to regulations, and add to the position of standard oil than 1/2.
The reservoir shall be kept clean and stabbed lubricant is not allowed. Impurities,
Pump in the installation, don't allow tube cap and the reservoir bottom tong.
Out of the mouth of oil filter should often clean, jam in case.
The piston ring worn, Check failure; Wiring loose; Recer fault; Transmission part jammed
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