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发布网友 发布时间:2022-03-16 02:01



热心网友 时间:2022-03-16 03:30

Red-Cooked Eggplant (红烧茄子)

Ingredients: (材料)
1 big eggplant, about 2 lbs. ,3 tbsps. vegetable oil
1 cold water
2 tbsps. soy sauce
�0�5 tsp. salt
4 cloves garlic, crushed

Directions: (做法)

1.Cut the eggplant lengthwise into 4 sections, then slice each section crosswise into a half inch slices.
2.Heat the oil in wok.
3.Put the eggplant slices in and fry on both sides for 2 minutes altogether.
4.Add garlic, water, soy sauce and salt.
5.Turn to low fire and cover the wok to cook for 15 minutes.

热心网友 时间:2022-03-16 04:48

Braised eggplant
Eggplant 500 grams, 50 grams of meat, garlic, 2, 2 slices ginger, onions, red pepper each 1
a material: bean paste 1 tablespoon
b Material: salt, sugar evenly divided tsp soy sauce 1 tsp
c Material: sesame oil Small Banchi
1. Material In addition to the meat all but washed; eggplant to the head, tail, cut 3 cm long segment; ginger, garlic, peeled and mince; onions cut flowers; red pepper cut thin slices.
2. Pot pour a cup Heat oil, add eggplant and deep-fried soft, fish out.
3. Pot Heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil, add a material and ginger, garlic, saute onion, add meat fry, then add b materials and eggplant stir well, Sheng from the former by adding red pepper slices topped with c materials can be brought out.
Eggplant itself is light and tasteless, easily absorb sauces and spice taste, slightly fried before cooking can first look in order to avoid yellowing color.

Red-Cooked Eggplant (红烧茄子)Ingredients: (材料)1 big eggplant, about 2 lbs. ,3 tbsps. vegetable oil 1 cold water 2 tbsps. soy sauce �0�5 tsp. salt 4 cloves garlic, crushed Directions: (做法)1.Cut the eggplant lengthwise into 4 sections, then slice...


红烧茄子的做 The braised eggplant 1.茄子去皮切成块状或条状。裹上淀粉 1 eggplant peeled cut into block or strip. Coated starch 2.鸡蛋打散 2 egg 3.锅烧热,加入适量油。将裹了蛋液的茄子放至锅中炸至金黄盛出 3 heat the wok, add oil. The wrapped egg eggplant into the pot fry ...


后者偏向蔬菜等突出菜色的食物,而且容易熟的,比如你说的红烧茄子:eggplant with brown sauce


红烧茄子:Eggplant in brown sauce ;Eggplant Braised in Soy Sauce 红烧茄子 eggplant cooked in red sauce;red-cooked eggplant braised eggplant;鳝段粉丝:Eels with Vermicelli 担担面:Dan-Dan Noodles 水煮肉片:boiled spicy beef/pork 番茄炒鸡蛋:tomato with eggs 回锅肉:Double-cooked Pork ...


文记:“缹茄子法:用子未成者,子成则不好也。以竹刀骨刀四破之,用铁则渝黑,汤蝶去腥气。细切葱白,熬油令香,苏弥好。香酱清,孽葱白,与茄子俱下。缹令熟,下椒姜末。”从记中可知其法精细。后来的红烧茄子,还加适量的白糖、酱油,’盐、肉末等,以调口味。 基本介绍 中文名 :红烧茄子 英文名 :Eggplant ...


Braised eggplant红烧茄子 Fried noodles with eggs鸡蛋炒面 Volume crispy taro芋香酥卷 Crisp deep-fried milk炸鲜奶 Egg sauce酱爆鸡蛋 Wire Sweet potato拔丝地瓜


茄子在英语中有两个常用的单词,它们分别是:eggplant 发音:英 ['eɡplɑːnt] 美 ['e深普罗ɡplænt]。在美语中,茄子被称为eggplant,常用于指代这种黑紫色的蔬菜。例如,"The braised eggplant is delicious today"(今天的红烧茄子很好吃)。aubergine 发音:英 ['əʊb...


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