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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 16:00



热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 20:24

I have a wonderful family, My family is my parents, my sister and I. My birthday is on 16th February,My mother's birthday is on 27th April. My father's birthday is on 9th June. and my sister's birthday is on 7th July. My life is very happiness,and I love my family.




生日蛋糕一般是一种装饰的非常漂亮的蛋糕,而且在端上来的时候上面要插上与寿星年龄一样多的蜡烛。 寿星要手捧许愿石默默的许个愿望,然后吹灭蜡烛,这是因为古时欧洲人相信烟是能升上天堂的,许愿后吹灭蜡烛,就代表愿望能随著烟传达到天空。


热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 21:42

There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother ,my sister and me .My father's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My mother's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My sister's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.In the birthday ,we eat a big cake.We sing and dance .My mom usually cook a big dinner for us.What about you ?
我的家人有四个人,他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的妹妹和我。我父亲的生日是在xxxx年xx月xx日。我母亲的生日是在xxxx年xx月xx日。我姐姐的生日 是在xxxx年xx月xx日。我的生日是在xxxx年xx月xx日。在生日,我们吃了一个大蛋糕。我们唱歌和跳舞。我妈妈通常为我们做一个大晚餐。你呢?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 23:17

Hello!I' m jingjing!
m y birthday is on June 10th.my father' s birthday is on Jhly 19th.my mather 's birthday is on october 17th..my grandma's name is shunxiu.her birthday is on Deceber 3rd.shixing is my grandpa.he was born on January 2nd.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 01:08

There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother ,my sister and me .My father's birthday is in July.My mother's birthday is in February.My sister's birthday is in February,too.My birthday is in September.In the birthday ,we eat a big cake.We sing and dance .My mom usually cook a big dinner for us.What about you ?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 03:16

There are four people in my familiy, The yare my father, my mother my mater and me
My athers birthday is on xxx 年xx月xx 日,my mother's birthday is on xxx 年xx月xx日 my mater birthday is on xxx 年xx月xx日,my birthday is on xxx 年xx 月xx 日,ln birthday weeat a big cake, we sing and dance, my mom usually cook a big dinner for us
what about you ?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 05:41

There are four people in my family.They are my mother,my sister and me

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 08:22


热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 11:20

There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother ,my sister and me .My father's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My mother's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My sister's birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.My birthday is on xx日xx月,xxxx年.In the birthday ,we eat a big cake.We sing and dance .My mom usually cook a big dinner for us.What about you ?

I have a wonderful family, My family is my parents, my sister and I. My birthday is on 16th February,My mother's birthday is on 27th April. My father's birthday is on 9th June. and my sister's birthday is on 7th July. My life is very happiness,and I love my family....


Birthdays of my family 我家人的生日 Look!This is my family’s picture.This is my mother,her birthday is June the twenty-third.看!这是我家的照片。这是我妈妈,她的生日是六月二十三日。This is my father,his birthday is October the fourteenth.这是我父亲,他的生日是十月十四日。My ...


Tomorrow is my mother 's birthday.My father and I plan to give my mom a big gift.Now ,I am shopping for birthday party.My father are making cake.My mother like eating apples ,so I will buy many apples .I think my mom will feel surprise tomorrow !


Chinese students celebrate their birthdays in different ways.But the most common way is to have fun by drinking,singing and dancing.On the birthday,one usually receives nice gifts and good wishes from friends and parents.Sometimes,parents will prepare a special dinner or a cake to sh...


Aftr watching TV, h gos to bd at 10:00. My fathr works hard. I lik my fathr vry much! 家人生日英语作文 篇20 Bei Bei classessed are over, mom and shellfish shellfish bought the flower of a bundle of balmy beauty to beautiful inn together, still above write on: "Father, birthday...

写一篇英语作文 介绍家里一个人的生日的作文谢谢,救急

My mother's birthday is on the eighth of July .In the morning my father and I went shopping and bought a very nice cake . In the afternoon ,I gave a comb to mother ,my mother was very excited!In the evening we sang the song "happy birthday to you "to mother.After ...


妈妈的生日 March 19th Saturday Rainy 3月19日 星期六 有雨 Today is mother's birthday, but I didn't know what to by for her.A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy.Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon.A birthday cake was ...

问: 关于庆祝家人生日的英语作文 未の来丶to562 英语 2014-10-01 10...

My birthday is on July 15th. I usually on my summer holiday at that time. So I often have a brithday party with my friends. We sing songs, play games, eat birthday cakes. Then we usually go to the park. We go boating and climb the moutains. Of course we'll have a ...


1there are 4 people in my family .my father ,my mother and me.my family is a warm family.both my father and my mother are workers .my father and my mother are work very hard.in my house, my father is the leader of my fanily !And my mother is a housewife.my brother...

英语作文:介绍家庭成员的生日及年龄 成员有爸爸 妈妈 弟弟和我自己。要...

Look,here are two nice photo of my family.Oh,These are my parents,My mother name is Xing Ning(填自己妈妈的名字),she is 35,My father is Xiong Jiang Tao(填自己爸爸的名字),He is 37.Who is he?Oh,this is my brother.My brother...

五年级上册英语作文介绍家人 五年级上册英语作文我的家人40词 我的家人英语作文五年级上册 五年级介绍家人的英语作文 六年级上册英语作文我的家人 五年级上册英语作文介绍自己 英语作文5年级上册介绍家庭 五年级上册英语作文我的家 五年级上册写自己的英语作文
疯狂猜成语到650关,再玩怎么又回到第一关了,谁知道方便解答 惠水县区域概况 模拟人生2下载的物品放哪儿? 疯狂猜成语玩到21关后就不能进入下一关 模拟人生2下的物品放在那里? 红米note增强版下载了疯狂猜成语 打不开怎么办 贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州惠水县邮政编码是什么? 问模拟人生2环游世界的下载物品存放位置 疯狂猜成语里的看图猜到800多关打不开了,下载重新安装也打不开? MAC OS X Mountain Lion技术规格 家人的生日怎么用英文说???急需!!! “家庭成员的生日”用英语怎么说 三只松鼠动画片里花粉女在哪一集? 三只松鼠什么时候播出,什么时候上映,播出时间 有三只松鼠和一个人一起过圣诞节是什么电影 三只松鼠的营销亮点在何处? 这个三只松鼠的是什么?动漫还是电影?求名字~!附图求解!速回加悬赏 只松鼠在发展中遇到瓶颈,加速企业社会责任的发展。由于三只松鼠近年来业绩飞快发展,并于2017年申请_百度问一问 很久以前的一部动画片。讲的是3只小松鼠的。 三只松鼠零食爆火的背后到底有没有“未爆的雷”? 有一个动画片,是讲一个男的和三只松鼠的,叫什么名字 三只松鼠有第2季吗 有一个外国电影讲的三只松鼠(好像)会唱歌呀说话什么的一个电影 大家知道叫什么吗? 三只松鼠因海报中模特的“眯眯眼”妆容引争议,为何“眯眯眼”不被待见? 那个三只松鼠的动画片电影叫什么? 2022年三只松鼠还会推出更多的动画片吗 三只松鼠果果和乐儿结局 三只松鼠动画片和零食的关系 微波炉能用瓷碗加热吗?使用微波炉有什么禁忌呢? 瓷碗能在微波炉加热吗? 我家人的生日。 翻译成英文 初中英语作文有关我家人的生日 花体英文我们一家人的生日怎么写 用英文怎么写:我知道家人的生日是什么时候。 用英语介绍家人生日。(不少于50字)? 介绍家人生日日期的英语作文 写你家人的生日,如何庆祝生日写成一篇英语作文,并翻译 tsc打印机出两张价格签就不出了 公司购买的保险具体是指哪些 tsc条码打印机官网? 用英语介绍家人的生日40个单词 介绍我和家人生日的英语作文 TSC 台半 T-4503E不干胶标签打印机怎么弄? 企业员工保险有哪些?所有公司是只有五险吗? 英语稿:假如你有一个英国笔友,请你向他说明你家人的生日,并介绍你们如何过生日.不少于5几句(急求) 条码打印机台半(TSC) T-4503E 打印时一直亮红灯? 有关家人生日的对话(英语丿? 为何桌面图标下的名称都有阴影,如何去除? 初中一年级英语作文《我的家人的生日》40词,谢谢大家啊,帮帮忙! 安卓系统内存占40清楚具体操作