发布时间:2022-04-23 15:46
时间:2023-10-08 20:41
二、be good with的意思是善于应付…的,对…有办法。后面经常跟sb。1、The teacher is good with pupils. 这个老师对这些小学生很好。2、Be good with him, he has a lot of pull. 跟他搞好关系, 他很有门路。3、As a politician, you need to be good with words. 作为一名政治家,你必须能说会道。
“thousand”的用法 thousand和thousands的区别n. 许许多多,数以千计; <数> 千位,千位数; 第一千; 1 000到9 999间的数目; adj. 一千的, 一千个的; 许许多多的,成百上千的; thousands n.数千(thousand 的复数); 三、用法不同 Thousand是“千”的意思,表示具体的一千,通常用来计算数量或金额等。例如: 1、I have a thousand dollars.我有一...
Wendy+has+got+some+beans改为一般疑问句?英语一般疑问句的改法:谓语动词是be动词、助动词、情态动词时,直接将其置于句首;动词是行为动词时,在句首加上助动词Do、Does、Did后,动词改用原形。 1、第一家族:含be动词或情态动词的句子秘诀:一调二改三问号一调:即把句中的be或情态动词调到主语前;...
funny与interesting用法区别我很喜欢研究英语词汇间的区别,funny和interesting都可以用来表示"有趣的",但两者的含义和用法上又存在着不同,具体如下: 一:含义解释 funny 英 [ˈfʌni] 美 [ˈfʌni] adj. 有趣的,滑稽的,奇怪的,奇特的,不寻常的,反常的; n.滑稽人物;<口>笑话;有趣的故事; adj.滑稽可笑地,古怪地 interesti...
...lei,你想和父母下周旅行一周,但到底去什么地方,拟合你父母有不同...mother and father like to Qufu .It’s very educational ,they said. But I don’t like to go there .I want to go to Hainan.Sanya is beautiful and it has lots of wonderful sights and fantastic beaches. I like places where the weather is always warm .It is really a good ...
英语中destroy和damage的区别是什么?3、Many a good man has been destroyed by drink. 许多好人都毁在了饮酒上。 4、They were all destroyed, to the last man. 他们无一例外全部被歼。 5、He had seen his life's work destroyed before his very eyes. 他曾看到他毕生的劳动成果就在自己的眼前毁于一旦。 damage 1、The damage ...
...句子意思完整。小题1:我不太相信他的诚实。 &nbs...小题1:belief/confidence/faith; in小题2:demand/need; for小题3:blamed/blames; on小题4:All; don’t/didn’t小题5:draw/reach; conclusion小题6:His; coming/arriving/arrival/appearance小题7:use/good arguing /quarelling小题8:make; distinction小题9:owe/owed; to小题10:made; on ...
写3篇英语作文(6年级上 一般将来时 一般现在时 过去时)第三人称 50个..." I said. Just then our mother came in. When she saw the room clean and bright she was very happy. "You are my good daughters!" she said with a smile on her face.Now I was very tired, but I was very happy, because I had done something tbr my mother.寒假的第一天 ...
英语作文my house 50个词左右虽然英语作文一直是大家非常头痛的一项,但是一旦掌握了写作的万能框架,文章就会变得非常有条理,介绍房子首先写房子的整体大概是什么样的,接着仔细描述一下,最后再写一下自己的感想。 第一篇 I have a house. It is big and new. There are eight rooms in it. They are a living room, a kitchen, three ...