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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-23 22:00



热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 04:39

1. I was can’t slept last night: 这句话改为I couldn't fall into sleep last night.
2. I have never calm down改为I've never been calmed down.
3. if you love someone that the most happiness was your lover will happy改为If you love someone, the happiest thing will be that your lover is happy.
4. she betrays to you 改为she betrays you.
5. to bear the anguish again and again这句话主语不明确,是指楼主自己bear the anguish还是你girlfriend?
6. Is it should not be selfish to me改为Ain't I selfish?这是Am not I selfish的简写。
7. she told me that her gratitude more than her love, for me改为she is more grateful than she loves me.
8. A person who I love her at pains. Once hurt also enough?都是语法错误……楼主要不重新改改,要不把这句删了吧……
9. Why hurt me again and again改为Why she hurts me again and again.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 04:39

I can’t feel any festival atmosphere of the coming Spring Festival. I didn’t sleep last night because I couldn’t calm down.

Once I was told that when you are in love with a girl the greatest happiness you can have is that you wish she is always happy. However, I don’t feel this way. What if she has betrayed you again and again and each time you suffered bitterly? Should I be that selfish?

Yesterday evening, she said to me that what she felt for me was more gratitude than love. Hearing this, my heart was broken and I felt pains all over. It is not the first time. Then why hurt me time and again? If you knew that there would be no good end between us, why have you come to me more than once? I felt extremely happy when you told me that you would marry me.

During the short time you were with me, I tried to change myself according to your tastes. Despite these efforts, you still left me again, going with another guy.

Oh, my God, why is all this?

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