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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 15:08



热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 01:34

《菜根谭》翻译比读 13. 径路窄处;留一步与人行;滋味浓的;减三分让人尝。此是涉世一极安乐法。径路:小路。/ 与:给予。/ 极:最。On a narrow path, step aside one pace so that others may pass. When treated to fine food, offer three quarters of it to your fellow diners. This is one of the safest and most pleasant of behaving in social situations. 15. 交友须带三分侠气;作人要存一点素心。侠气:勇武仗仪的气质。/ 素心:纯洁的内心。To make friends with others, one needs some chivalry. To be a true man one should preserve a pure heart. 18. 盖世功劳,当不得一个矜字;弥天罪过,当不住一个悔字.盖世:压倒一世,无人能比。/ 矜:自尊自大。/ 弥天:满天,形容极大。No matter how earth-shaking one's achievements, that one word "arrogance" will cancel them out; and no matter how horrendous one's sins, that one word "repentance" will atone for them. 23. 攻人之过毋太严,要思其堪受;教人之善毋过高,当使其可从.思:考虑。/ 堪:可以,能够。/ 从:听从,引申为“做到”。When censuring someone for his faults, do not be too severe; consider the other’s level of tolerance. When teaching a man correct conct, do not set goals which are too lofty for him to reach; consider what he is capable of accomplishing. 28.处事不必邀功,无过便是功;与人不求感德,无怨便是德。邀功:刻意求功。/ 感慨感怀恩惠。/ 怨:怨恨。In concting yourself, do not expect to accomplish the greatest things; as long as you do not make mistake, you make achievements. When treating others with kindness, do not expect gratitude in return; so long as you do not awaken their enmity, that is gratitude enough. 33.放得功名富贵之心下,便可脱凡;放得道德仁义之心下,才可入圣。 By casting out thoughts of wealth and rank from his heart, a man rids himself of the world. By removing the strictures of worldly virtue and morality from his heart, a man can enter the sublime realm of perfect beauty. 44.学者要收拾精神,并归一路。如修德而留意于事功名誉,必无实诣;读书而寄兴于吟咏风雅,定不深心。收拾精神:将散乱的精神收拢起来。/ 并归一路:集中在一个方面,即专心致志研究学问。/ 事功:事业,功绩。/ 实诣:真正的造诣。/ 吟咏:歌唱,后来指作诗。/ 风雅:“风”和“雅”是诗六义中的二义,后来作比喻诗文。A man who pursues learning must collect his scattered and discovered thoughts, and concentrate all his mental powers in the direction of his studies. In the cultivation of virtue, if one’s aim is simply to gain wealth and fame, then real scholarly accomplishment becomes impossible. When studying, if all one’s interest lies merely in reciting texts, then study in depth becomes impossible. 49.福莫福于少事,祸莫祸于多心。唯苦事者,方知少事之为福;唯平心者,始知多心之为祸。莫福:没有什么事比……更幸福。后文的“莫祸”与之句式相同。/ 少事:很少有烦心的事。/ 多心:犹豫不决。/ 唯:只,只有。/ 苦事者:因琐事而苦恼的人。/ 平心者:心绪平静的人。Whether one is happy or not depends on how few cares one has. Whether disaster strikes or not depends on how wavering one’s mind is. Only the man beset by worries knows that having few cares brings happiness, and only a man with a tranquil mind knows that a restless mind brings calamity. 56.读书不见圣贤,如铅椠佣;居官不爱子民,如衣冠盗;讲学不尚躬行,为口 头禅;立业不思种德,为眼前花。铅椠佣:雇来抄写文字的人。铅,铅粉笔;椠,木板。二者皆为古人记录文字的工具。佣,雇来工作的人。/ 居官:做官。/ 子民:百姓。/ 衣官盗:身着官衣、头戴官帽偷窃俸禄的人。/ 尚:推崇。/ 口头禅:佛家用语,指不能理会禅理,只能引用禅宗和尚的某些常用语作为谈话的点缀。/ 种德:积德行善。He who studies without appreciating the insights of the wise men of old is no more than a copyist. He who holds office but loves not the common people is no more than a robber in official attire. Engaging in learning without refining one’s conct is behaving like a monk who simply chants the scriptures without understanding their meaning. A career pursued without storing up virtue is as transitory as flowers that bloom and die before one’s eyes. 58.苦心中,常得悦心之趣;得意时,便生失意之悲。苦心:费尽心思。Joy can often be found in the midst of tribulations, and some unexpected disappointment may arise just when you think you have gained your desire. 75.心不可不虚,虚则义理来居;心不可不实,实则物欲不入。虚:空无一物,与“实”相对。此处指内心没有任何欲念。/ 义理:道理。/ 居:停留。/ 实:充实,与“虚”相对。/ 物欲:对物质享受的渴望。One’s heart must be free from all taint of desire so that righteousness can take up its dwelling there. At the same time, one’s heart must also be substantial, bolstered by righteousness, so that it can block the inroads of desire. 88.静中静非真静,动处静得来,才是性天之真境;乐处乐非真乐。苦中乐得来,才是心体之真机。性天:人的自然本性。/ 真境:真正境界。/ 真机:真正的天然乐趣。机,机趣,天然的乐趣。If you are able to keep quiet in a noiseless place, that kind of quietness does not make any sense; only the quietness that is preserved in noisy circumstances is completely in agreement with man’s natural character. If you are able to keep happy on a joyous occasion, that is not happiness in the real sense; only the happiness gained in misery is completely in accordance with man’s natural interest.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 02:52

【 菜根谭 】
















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