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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-13 20:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 16:35

1. 跪求文言文 翻译

陕西地处高寒,且泥土的纹理是竖向的,这些都能使物品(不被糟践)。虽然小麦最难长久保存,在此存放二十年也没有一粒有虫蛀。百姓只要在田里做个地窖,开个像井口的口,(井口)深度大约三四尺(一米左右 各朝代有别 姑且猜测是井口的);下面根据存储谷物的多寡确定深度,向四周拓展。泥土的颜色像金色,且没有沙石,(在地窖中)用火烧过,把草绞起来钉在地窖的四壁,窖中所盛的谷物可以多达数千石,储存久了谷物更佳。用土夯实窖口,地窖上依旧种植作物,禾苗生长茂盛依旧,只是叩击地面时会有声响,(并像雷声一样消逝),由此可知。外族前来侵犯边境,大多为此。而官兵到此掳劫村寨,也是为了得到它。

江浙的仓库,离地数尺,用木板做底,(。。。。。。不明白 确认无误吗?)即使是是富贵人家也每日这么处理米谷作为食物 才储积的久的甚至超过两年为周转 地面(?)湿,而且梅雨闷蒸,即使是穹梁大屋内也好像有露珠点缀。


2. 陕西谷窖现代文翻译


江浙仓禀,去地数尺,以板为底,稻连杆作把收.虽富家亦日治米为食.积久者还过两年而转.地婢湿,而梅雨郁蒸,虽穹梁屋间犹若露珠点缀也 翻译如下:

Valley cellar of Shaanxi

Shaanxi high and cold, and soil line vertical, officer storehouse accumulate valley is all thing nationality. Although the wheat is the awkwardest and longest, there is not a person who eats by 20. The people only in house last cellar Zhong Tian,turn on like well head, a dark more than three meters; Hold the valley number, open up it all around in making amount. Soil if golden, have sandstone still more, with baked wheat cake, entangle grass nail, on wall, hold valley more to thousands of stone, it is long and also good. By soil it is real their mouth,at plant still,is it luxuriant for seeding of cereal crops to spurt on the old. It knock only sound,thunder the easy clear up, it is know not to so as. By the criminals, mostly send. And officers and men to take prisoner stockaded village, spend, ask too also. Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces storehouse report, person who go several, regard board as bottom, rice connecting rod make charge. Although it is the food that the rich family also manages the rice on day. The persons who accumulate in the course of time have returned for o years and rotated. The ground slave girl is wet, and the plum rains are steamed strongly fragrantly, although among the vault roof beam rooms still if the dewdrop is interspersed. 希望对你有所帮助,

3. 陕西谷窖翻译

Valley cellar of Shaanxi

Shaanxi high and cold, and soil line vertical, officer storehouse accumulate valley is all thing nationality. Although the wheat is the awkwardest and longest, there is not a person who eats by 20. The people only in house last cellar Zhong Tian,turn on like well head, a dark more than three meters; Hold the valley number, open up it all around in making amount. Soil if golden, have sandstone still more, with baked wheat cake, entangle grass nail, on wall, hold valley more to thousands of stone, it is long and also good. By soil it is real their mouth,at plant still,is it luxuriant for seeding of cereal crops to spurt on the old. It knock only sound,thunder the easy clear up, it is know not to so as. By the criminals, mostly send. And officers and men to take prisoner stockaded village, spend, ask too also. Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces storehouse report, person who go several, regard board as bottom, rice connecting rod make charge. Although it is the food that the rich family also manages the rice on day. The persons who accumulate in the course of time have returned for o years and rotated. The ground slave girl is wet, and the plum rains are steamed strongly fragrantly, although among the vault roof beam rooms still if the dewdrop is interspersed.

4. 牛人来翻译

Shaanxi to both vertical soil grain, and alpine valley, accumulate, officer storehouse is not content of cadastral. Although most difficult long, wheat grain to enty years without the decay. MinGu only just for cellar, open to fields such as well, deep 34 feet, Quantity of storage amount of around the valley. Soil if golden exhibition, no more gravel, burned, wring grass in the walls, nail ChengGu to thousands of stone, long also preferred. With soil paction its mouth, still planting, HeMiao zi metallocene in old. Only knock to sound, the LeiYi diluted, thereby knowable. Man, for what send edge. And officers and soldiers to lu village, also used is for the also.

Jiangsu storehouse to count, go together with the feet, plate, rice connecting rods to accept. Although rich also governance of Japan meters for food. JiJiu plus o years before and turned in the land, and menservants. Wet meiyu yu evaporate, although vault beam house of judah dewdrop ornament also beeen if

5. 文言文 雷简夫移巨石






塞:堵住 度:估计



为:作为为:作为 度:指巨石的大小 患:灾难

6. 关于陕西渭北的文言文及古诗句






7. 文言文,翻译为白话文陕西地既高寒,又土纹竖,官仓积谷,皆不物籍

意译 仅供参考:陕西地处高寒,且泥土的纹理是竖向的,这些都能使物品(不被糟践)。

虽然小麦最难长久保存,在此存放二十年也没有一粒有虫蛀。百姓只要在田里做个地窖,开个像井口的口,(井口)深度大约三四尺(一米左右 各朝代有别 姑且猜测是井口的);下面根据存储谷物的多寡确定深度,向四周拓展。


外族前来侵犯边境,大多为此。 而官兵到此掳劫村寨,也是为了得到它。


不明白 确认无误吗?)即使是是富贵人家也每日这么处理米谷作为食物 才储积的久的甚至超过两年为周转 地面(?)湿,而且梅雨闷蒸,即使是穹梁大屋内也好像有露珠点缀。 不当之处 多多赐教哟。

林钟音律 wow术士部落PVE种族 过几天要玩一个部落术士,不知哪个种族好,因为之前没玩过部落,望大家讲... 魔兽世界术士哪个种族好啊 "NYSMATYC"缩写代表什么? “APESMA”是什么意思? "SMA”代表“楼梯制造商协会”时,它的中文全称是什么? “SMA”代表什么? 在老一辈的育儿观念中,有哪些是不太好的呢? 怎样获取安全员资格证 闲鱼验货宝买家打不开怎么回事 闲鱼验货宝订单怎么操作 闲鱼验货宝订单操作方法 相机怎么走验货宝 闲鱼付款时不记得开没开验货宝 生理盐水是混合物吗 蛤干怎样处理才能吃 a privately held Chinese company语法 company with over 100 people.意思我理解,怎么从语法角度理解with(介词)+ over(副词)+数词 同一副索尼耳,用蓝牙听和有线听,效果有差别吗?如果有差别大吗? 买恒大人寿万年禧两全险能有啥意义? 买泰康人寿泰宝贝两全险有什么意义? 配置横琴人寿金满意足两全险能有什么意义? 买两全险能有哪些意义? 买太平洋两全其美两全保险能有啥意义? 买两全险有什么意义? 为人正直的成语 诊所申请医保定点机构的条件 给我一个阿基米德式的杠杆,抱歉连阿基米德都抬不动 到底什么是去杠杆 怎样加密文档而不被删除复制 蚕丝被可以放洗衣机里洗吗 怎么把陌生号码设置为空号? 安信证券交易密码和资金密码一样吗 东方财富资金密码和交易密码 草棚的近义词对什么? 补充成语什么辱什么重 为什么健康码没有金边 - 信息提示 三世书里说我的夫妻宫是,离婚:婚姻大吉昌,山遥水又长,命中无克破,一奏见君王。求解释 今夜试青镫,依旧春花小的翻译 一个女人向一男人发信息谁能度她,怎么回信息? 枇杷冰糖水怎么熬 枇杷吃多了会不会上火 枇杷冰糖水怎么熬 枇杷冰糖水如何保存 枇杷和什么一起煮止咳效果好 枇杷怎么煮水止咳化痰 家里如何做麻辣牛肉好吃 家里怎样做麻辣牛肉好吃 he is a milkman是什么意思 狭隘的人有什么表现啊,有什么特征啊? 麻烦翻译一下这句话: 咏蝉者每咏其声,此独尊其品格。 拜托了! 暖鸣幽涧鸟关关的解释是什么 候鸟怎么知道南方温暖