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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-16 02:32



热心网友 时间:2024-12-08 11:10


Hope, hope, the annual National Day is finally expected. "The National Day, the National Day, is celebrated all over the world." This sentence is really good. People have smiles on their faces, even the chirping of birds is particularly pleasant, and the flowers are in full bloom.

During the National Day this year, Liangxi Forest Park became more lively. Many students rushed to Liangxi Forest Park. Do you know what they are doing? They are going to see the dinosaur exhibition.

We were greeted by two teddy bears as soon as we got to the door! There is also a dragon gate made of flower umbrellas, just like a rainbow above the mall. Once again, there is a hot air balloon. It is very beautiful with big and colorful colors! I'm really afraid that the big balloon will "pop" and fly.

Do you remember Xiong Da, Xiong Er and bald Qiang in the "Bears Appear"? Let me tell you! They also came. Are they going to make cartoons here? Speaking of which, are you worried? Where are dinosaurs? Why haven't dinosaurs appeared yet? Don't worry. I'll tell you about the main character dinosaur now.

They have a long necked dragon. Its neck is extremely long. If it competes with a giraffe, it will be interesting to see who has a long neck. It is a herbivore. Besides, Long tailed Dragon's tail is several times of its body! It also has sharp teeth with blood. It seems that it must be a carnivore. 

There are also Frost King Dragon, pterosaur and so on... I will not explain them one by one.National Day, how happy! The Liangxi Forest Park on National Day is really fun!

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