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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-16 16:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 15:35


Italian recipes: how to make Roman dish of chicken bowels with sauce

This is an old-school recipe from Rome that some might remember their grandmother’s making, which is easy to make as long as your butcher has the right ingredients.

Ingredients for four people: 2 kg of chicken intestine, an onion, one carrot, celery, chopped parsley, 100 grams of butter, 50 grams of parma ham chopped into cubes, five tablespoons of tomato paste, some grated pecorino.

Preparation: after leaving the chicken bowell or intestine to rest in some cold water for a few hours to become white, place in a pan and cover with cold water. Add the celery, carrot and half the onion and bring to the boil before simmering at moderate heat. Cover the pan and leave to cook until the liquid is almost entirely reced. In a flat pan simmer the butter, parma ham and the rest of the onion. Add the bowels, leaving them to take on the flavour for a few minutes. Add the tomato paste with a bit of water and cook for another 1o minutes. Serve after adding the parsley and pecorino.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 15:36




译文:Main ingredient: beef, thawed, cutting, put a bowl with cooking, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, Chinese prickly ash, some salt and pepper, ginger, water machine, code, such as too dry can add a little water. Code flavour half an hour, toothpick beef, pieces of Fried, time not too long, white can drain beef.

Accessories: yards. When can smell Bamboo root (32) 3, cutting, Chao water and set aside, (I am using a fresh taste, eat bamboo is not very good, a little water, suggest you can try to use dry bamboo) dried chillies a (see personal taste, I like hot, put at least 32), with more to do with scissors, Chinese prickly ash, fermented bean, ginger, same, hongxing spirit erguotou, monosodium glutamate, and peanut oil.

The pot, put oil into hot, six to saute ginger, fermented bean down after eating fermented, oil, Chinese prickly ash, chili, cut out the same fry pan, add a few bamboo salt fry, was not too much, because the beef (itself into flavour, just have tasted bamboo, bamboo shoots in water up to dry, caught the color red chili, then had put together with good beef frying, saute, add liquor flavor, 5 minutes, then it's fine, monosodium glutamate, add chicken platter, chopped parsley


热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 15:36

Chinese Egg Drop Soup
4 c Chicken broth
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Sugar
1 Egg
1 ts Cornstarch
1 tb Water
* Water chestnuts (optional)
* Green Onions (optional)
Add the salt and sugar to the broth.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg until frothy.
In a small cup, mix the cornstarch and water.
Bring the broth to a boil over medium heat in a soup pot.
Add the cornstarch mixture, and stir until slightly thickened.
Remove from stove. add egg very, very slowly, drop by drop, stirring constantly.
If you wish add 2 minced water chestnuts, and/or one sliced green onion, including the white and green parts.
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