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能翻译着篇文章么 ,有空麻烦半我看看谢谢.我要求就没语法错误

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-07 07:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 04:34

The Hong Kong Shandong reported that this new deep-water port in the early 1980s. Port transportation favorable conditions, the existing highway and 017 provincial highway 204 national highway through the port by fenshui, planning on the Central Peninsula and the Netherlands gathered in the port of high-grade winter road, rail Pinglan branch railway connected with the stone and filled with the national trunk the same. The direction of development in Hong Kong are: uniform Lunan five cities of the exchange of goods, opening up services for liquid procts, Shandong Province, transit services, instrial development services for the construction of the village, is an important port along the coast in Shandong Province. The port has Lunan coastal port construction conditions are more favorable in the dock has been built on the basis of the ton, "85" period to start the new 20,000-ton liquid chemicals terminal to form a relatively independent of liquid chemicals handling areas, while for the next phase of expansion to create positive conditions for the cover of the same period a ton in place inside the new issue of coal export terminal, the port graally from west to east development plan in the West Port, Donggang and liquid chemicals area. Future development should pay attention to land use, strict secular divide by various functional areas and graally set show. The design for the port 1 # 2 # berths hydraulic engineering background made bulk terminal design. First, the collection of hydrological data port, get in the water level in the area of pier design, scale and design of ship design. The pier is a bulk terminal, the design throughput capacity of 400,000 tons for the bulk and design on behalf of the pieces of 5,000-ton ship for the cargo ships. Design specifications provided by the main yardstick to determine the terminal, and then determine the terminal structure type, optimized choice, decided to use box terminal structure type. Then the section size of the terminal box was developed, designed to draw preliminary sketches terminal box. And then calculate the box terminals by the force. Later, to the stability of the pier and dock for checking the structural strength, including its anti-mping and anti-slide stability checking, and boxes of internal force and its floating stability checking, etc., check the terminal stability and structural strength compliance with regulatory requirements. The results show that the bulk terminal in line with the above specifications. In the final, optimized design solutions, from a technical and economic aspects to get the best results to complete the bulk terminal design. The purpose of this design are: calculation of hydraulic structures, harbor master the basic principles and structure of knowledge for the future design of hydraulic structures in the port work to lay a solid foundation. The design required other courses (such as soil mechanics, hydraulics, hydrology, building materials, mechanics of materials, structural mechanics, reinforced concrete structures and construction standards and other curriculum) knowledge; port of hydraulic structures on the economy, safety requirements and construction conditions and other aspects into account, and through the practice of computing and write and design the book, draw construction drawings.
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