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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-22 12:13



热心网友 时间:2023-01-22 13:43


thanksgiving day is the most truly american of the national holidays in the united states and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.


family reunion and feasting??family feast is an important tradition ring thanksgiving. the entire family sits at the table ring dinner and offer prayer to the lord almighty for his continuous grace. it is also a time for relatives living in different places to come together and celebrate.


tradition of turkey??the traditional stuffed turkey adorns every dinner table ring the feast. pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day. though historians don’t have an evidence to prove that turkey was eaten ring the first thanksgiving dinner, the thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.


parades??the traditional thanksgiving parade probably started with Psident lincoln proclaiming it an official day. the full- dress parade is a way to display the country’s military strength and discipline. the main aim of such parades is to lift the spirits of the spectators, provide them with wholesome entertainment. in the Psent day, parades are accompanied with musical shows and celebrities.


football games??watching nfl football ring thanksgiving is a popular tradition. the traditional game between the detroit lions and the green bay packers continues. one of the most memorable games having been played on this day.

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