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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-16 00:35



热心网友 时间:2023-05-11 11:40

Hobby is something that one likes to do in one's spare time.The Oxford Dictionary defines hobby as a favorite activity that a person does for pleasure and not as his or her regular business.In short,hobby is one's favorite pastime.
Hobby is not an inborn inclination.It is developed through a constant and systematic process.A bobby is not pursued to make a profit.The main purpose of a bobby is to derive pleasure out of it.It gives us mental and physical relaxation.One makes the best use of one's spare time by pursuing a hobby.
While making a choice out of many ways of speeding our time,we ought to ensure that is restores our lost energy and cheers us up.There are a good number of hobbies.The hobby that fits our interest,nature and our budget would be the best.
A young person needs all round development of his or her personality.Hobbies play an important role in developing one's personality.A person may become like a machine if he does his routine work throughout the day.he may lose interest in his work or feel bored of it.Who does not know the famous saying 'All work and no play makes Jack a ll boy',so every person should have a hobby to keep himself active physically as well as mentally.Most people should take some time off from their routine work and play games or go on picnic,movies or pursue their hobbies.A hobby keeps a person active,busy and cheerful.
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