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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 14:44



热心网友 时间:2023-08-31 11:13

Sally that girl
歌名:Sally that girl

原唱歌手:Gucci Crew II

翻唱歌手: 罗百吉



1, 2, 3  And I woke up early this morning and I went to the 5 and dime  I saw this pretty young lady that was real, real fine  I tapped her on the shoulder and said, “Mmm, mmm, excuse me, ma’am”  She pulled down her pants and said, “Splack these hands”    Whoa…oh…oh…oh…    Sally “That Girl”    Whoa…oh…oh…oh…    Sally, whew, “That Girl”    So we walked her to her house, as she opened up the door    It was heart-shaped bed in the middle of the floor    She pushed me on the bed and this you can bet    In between her legs was real, real wet    So I grabbed her by her thighs and I moved up truly    She jumped off the bed and said, “Don’t touch my booty”    “Don’t touch my booty ‘cause I won’t touch you”    “Don’t touch my booty ‘cause it’s not the thing to do”    Whoa…oh…oh…oh…    Sally, whew, “That Girl”    Whoa…oh…oh…oh…    Sally, whew, “That Girl”    So we led out her house just to get something to eat    We saw her friend named Patty walkin’ down the street    Patty turned around as we yelled out her name    She dropped to her knee and began to sing    Whoa…oh…oh…oh…    Sally, whew, “That Girl”    Whoa…oh…oh…oh…    Sally, whew, “That Girl”    Sally is a girl that likes to play    And if you want some lovin’ Sally is okay    She has a different fellow every day of the week      Two or maybe three just to make it sweet    Sally wants a man she can call her own    And sixty-seven hundred she can call on the phone    Sally’s never tired and she’s never alone    All Sally wants is a fellow with a room    Whoa…oh…oh…oh…    Sally, whew, “That Girl”    Whoa…oh…oh…oh…    Sally, whew, “That Girl”    That-that-that-that-that girl    That-that-that-that-that-that-that girl    That-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that girl (Sally)    That-that-that-that-that-that-that girl    That-that-that-that-that-that girl    That-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-th

Sally that girl 分享 歌名:Sally that girl 原唱歌手:Gucci Crew II 翻唱歌手: 罗百吉 专辑:《电音三太子》歌词 1, 2, 3  And I woke up early this morning and I went to the 5 and dime  I saw this pretty young lady that was real, real fine  I tapped her on the shou...


小莫的女朋友叫慕诗琪,也是一个主播,你可以百度的,微博名:慕诗琪sherry 请采纳。,谢谢,,




她在2区ID就叫慕诗琪sherry,8区ID叫你百思不得琪姐 8区通常是和短小漠双排用的


江苏泰州的。 1992.2.4生日。 身高166. 水瓶座。 大兄弟满意不








是的阿 小漠就是在暗示是她

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