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用英语介绍 初恋这件小事 的故事内容 急!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 14:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 13:37

the film is about a girl who has fallen in love with a boy for many years and she has kept improving herself to become outstanding so that the boy would fall in love with her.But in the end,she got to know that he also has kept in love with her for a long time.After many years,they also love each other,consequently they got married happily.I love the film very much ,because the love story is devious and moving,especially the spirit the girl expressed.And the ending is cheerful. Thank you for your listening.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 13:37

the film is about a girl who has fallen in love with a boy for many years and she has kept improving herself to become outstanding so that the boy would fall in love with her.But in the end,she got to know that he also has kept in love with her for a long time.After many years,they also love each other,consequently they got married happily.I love the film very much ,because the love story is devious and moving,especially the spirit the girl expressed.And the ending is cheerful. Thank you for your listening.
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