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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 14:45



热心网友 时间:2022-07-12 01:19

The eggs into the bowl, add a little salt and edible oil (plus the scrambled eggs, it will be easy to tasty), beat the eggs lightly with chopsticks, hit the loose leaf well.

Wash the tomatoes, if do not like eating the tomato skin can use boiling water to Tomato Hot a minute or two the, so it is easy to skin removed, tomatoes and then cut into shreds. The onion cut into small pieces.

Fried eggs is best to use pans, wash pan, the bottom of the pot boil dry, then simmer gently, pour a little cooking oil, at the bottom of the pot wiping uniform, pour in the beaten eggs, fried small fire, the fire will not be, so it's easy to get the coke, eggs can not speculation is too old. Form a block with a eight or nine point can be cooked in the pot.

Wash dry, many people have trouble do not wash the pot, it is easy to bottom scorch. Add a small amount of cooking oil, at the bottom of the pot wiping uniform, add chopped tomatoes and stir fry over low heat, if too dry you can sprinkle a little water. To stir a little juice to tomato, so that a sour.

Would be a good fried egg into the wok, stir constantly, fully mixed with the tomato juice and eggs, then scatter the into a little sugar and chopped green onion. Stir evenly, so sweet and sour tomato scrambled egg made.

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