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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 15:24



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 15:39

Why I Chose to Attend College?
As my high school years were drawing to a close, I turned over and over again in my mind the question of whether I should go to college. At times I did have some doubts. After careful consideration, however, I finally decided it was worthwhile to attend college.
Firstly, because I was always hungry for knowledge and keen on learning. While in high school, I became more and more interested in such subjects as math, physics, and chemistry. I longed to explore much further into those areas.
Secondly, because I knew a college ecation would provide me with opportunities for all round development. I would play in musical groups, take part in sports, and join campus organizations. Involvement in various kinds of activities could help make me a well rounded person.
Finally, I was aware that in today's world many professions require years of specialized trainning. Without a college ecation, it would be difficult for me to obtain a desirable position.
Now I'm here at college and I seem to have more reasons to congratulate myself on my right decision.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 16:57

Why I Chose to Attend College?
As my high school years were drawing to a close, I turned over and over again in my mind the question of whether I should go to college. At times I did have some doubts. After careful consideration, however, I finally decided it was worthwhile to attend college.
Firstly, because I was always hungry for knowledge and keen on learning. While in high school, I became more and more interested in such subjects as math, physics, and chemistry. I longed to explore much further into those areas.
Secondly, because I knew a college ecation would provide me with opportunities for all round development. I would play in musical groups, take part in sports, and join campus organizations. Involvement in various kinds of activities could help make me a well rounded person.
Finally, I was aware that in today's world many professions require years of specialized trainning. Without a college ecation, it would be difficult for me to obtain a desirable position.
Now I'm here at college and I seem to have more reasons to congratulate myself on my right decision.
这篇原因 结果式文章向我们列举了三条选择上大学的理由,非常有道理。在结尾段作者庆幸自己所做的决定是正确的,与首段遥相呼应。

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