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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 15:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 20:47

Water is the Source of Life, on the earth without water. If there is no water, human and animal to survive on this planet? Now, because of population growth, instry, agriculture, waste and pollution. The problem of water shortage is becoming more and more serious. We should take measures, to solve the water shortage problem, to make full use of water resources, water conservation, in life, for example, water recycling, Amoy finished meters of water to wash vegetables, flowers and so on. To avoid contamination, measures. Finally, the earth is our home, please cherish water resources 希望可以帮到你!

is very important for living things.without water there can be no life on earth.all animals and plants need water.man also needs water.water is found atmosteverywhere.even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air.as we all have found out,water may be ...


Obviously, to some extent, it is convenient for him to take part in this activity.2.科学家已经向我们发出警告:地球有限的水资源正在减少。Scientists have already warned us that limited water resource of the global is diminishing.3.使教师感到担忧的是,有些智力平平的学生对自己缺乏信心。...


As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the world population, the rising demand for water by industry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the ganger of running out of fresh water. Actually, ...


The water resource on the earth is limited, especially the water for drink/ drinkable water.


保护水资源 英语 作文 篇一 Saving Water Water is the most valuable resource on the earth. Water is the necessity of our life and we must drink it everyday.Now, many people can not drink clear water, because many of them are badly polluted. So, in order to save water...


目前,人们常常浪费水资源。许多人认为地球上的水是用之不竭的。因为水在当今社会非常便宜,因此人们并不珍惜。你有没有想过如果地球上没有水会是什么样子呢?As we all known, water is the origin of all lives. All living things can't live without water. If there is no water in the ...


and industrial use. We can swim in the sea. Water is very important for us, not well?有一首诗是这样写的:There is a poem written like this:水无色无味,水在瀑布水泵龙头中都有,谁就在我们身边.水在雨里,水在蒸汽里,水在池塘,河流大海中.但是地球上并没有那么多的水,我们必须珍惜...


Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth.As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories ...


check the taps to see if water leaks.随着工业化的发展,地球上的淡水量逐渐减少。水对生物的生存是非常重要的,包括植物和人类。没有水,地球上的生命将消失。因此,人类应该珍惜水资源。我们应该尽力去节约用水。例如,当用手洗餐具时,不要让水冲洗。采取缩短淋浴。经常检查水龙头是否漏水。


Water is the source of life.We can't live without water.However,with the increasing population and industrial development,water pollution has become a serious problem.Large amounts of wastewater go into rivers and seas directly without being treated,which can be dangerous to people.Also...

地球上没有太多的水英语 地球上没有足够的水的英语 在地球上没有太多的煤炭英文 没有地球就没有生命英语 地球上的水资源情况 地球可用水资源有多少 地球的水资源会消失吗 地球水资源还能用多久 地球的淡水资源
如何自制美味的芹菜炒粉丝? 学电脑专业需要懂电脑原理和打字吗 大学里会专门学习五笔打字(电脑专业的)吗?谢谢 肝腹水可以治疗好吗 肝腹水体重增加怎么治疗 我想买一个平板电脑,有这样的要求:价格在1000左右,朝左,可以外接键鼠... 我妈不会在电脑上打字,请问能到那里找些有用的软件来帮帮她?希望能多... 4000能买到既能流畅玩游戏又能练打字的电脑吗在哪买 家庭阳台草莓种植方法下雨怎么办 今日头条抄袭别人文章怎么处罚 没有足够的雨水,地已经干早了英语 fanyi.baidu.com 再也没有人叫我宝贝了英语歌叫什么名字 对不起我们没有鸡肉了英语 英语这一科在中国以后会不会被取消 《寻找满月》中的英知是否成了死神 报名了英专四但是没有办法参加考试,可以弃考然后直接参加补考吗... 爱尔兰到底是独立的国家,还是属于英国的啊?弄不明白了 我们没有土豆和巧克力了英语 你们觉得德国人真的否定希特勒吗?我觉得没有,我认为希特勒是他们的英雄(虽然战败了)!他们想犹太人道 如果汉语没有了英源词和日源词,中国人会变哑巴吗 没有珍妮除了一把吉他什么也没有了英语 我们没有茶了英俉翻译 屈香楠用大写拼音怎写 冰箱里一点啤酒都没有了英语 乡村爱情交响曲演员周戈楠照片 好像没有 英语怎么说? 他一点牛奶也没有了英语 金丝楠苗木是什么价格? “没戏啦”英语什么写? 2019年全国执业药师开始报名了? 他们已经两年没有回家乡了英语翻译两种 苹果手机的数据链接在哪里找。 怎样才能找到学习的动力? 怎么找到学习动力? 如何找到学习动力 找不到学习的动力了怎么办? 怎样才能读上在职研究生? 如何帮学生找到学习的动力? 读上一本名著,写4篇读书笔记本 读上研了,还是挺困惑~ 怎样寻找学习动力?什么是学习动力,怎样可以拥有? 读上大学的我的英文 怎样找到学习的动力 - -? 读上七年级的感受 怎样找到学习的动力? 测自己能否读上博士 如何找学习的动力? 请问一定要读上高中读完高中才能当演员吗 怎么寻找学习动力!!! 读上句,写下句!!紧急