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什么是 LED driver ?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-02 06:18



热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 21:33

LED driver ,中文系LED驱动器,即系泛指所有用黎驱动(Drive)LED既器件,所以严格黎讲,即使系一粒串联既电阻都LED Driver。 LED 灯一定要用 driver 吗? 呢个好视乎阁下既需要:如 阁下输入既电压系几多?(220VAC市电?两粒AA电池?还是USB直接供电? 需要驱动几大火(即W)既LED?一粒普通既3mm/5mm LED?定系一粒3W,甚至5W既Luxeon K2 LED? 需要既效能(efficiency)几多?无所谓?定系要求80%以上? 需唔需要好准确既颜色? 等等。 后话: 如果简简单单只系用黎做一个LED 面板,当然唔需要复习既线路,就咁串联电阻就可以。 可以睇下人地点做 forumepc/viewthread?tid=633350 复习既LED Driver就唔系咁简单,可以睇下LED driver厂商佢地既资料学下先。
LED driver 为一提供constant current 之IC(周边亦须接驳其他电子零件如线圈等)﹐以维持LED保持同一光度﹐而不会因电池电压下降而降低。 简单来说﹐通常要令一LED亮起﹐串联一电阻及提供一恒定电压已可。但对于portable device如手机﹐电池电压会不断下降﹐LED之亮度亦随之下降﹐这样当然不能接受﹗这时便须要LED Driver 去提供恒定电流。所以LED不一定要用driver﹐视乎应用而定。
Better to use "Driver"
details as below: A driver is an electrical device that regulates the power to an LED or string(s) of LEDs. What makes a driver different from conventional power supplies is that an LED driver responds to the ever-changing needs of the LED
or circuit of LEDs
by supplying a constant amount of power to the LED as its electrical properties change with temperature. Think of an LED driver as 'Cruise Control' (like in a car) for the LED
and the temperature changes of the LED are the hills and valleys it is 'driving' over. The power level (or 'Speed') of the LED is maintained constant by the driver as the electrical properties change (amount of 'gas' or power needed) throughout the temperature increases and decreases (or 'hills and valleys') seen by the LED(s). Without the proper driver
the LED may bee too hot (driving too fast) and bee unstabe (out of control)
causing poor performance (engine problems) or plete failure (crash!)
参考: web
LED 灯不须要用 Driver
所以要用Driver. 加IC系想LED闪动

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 21:33

LED driver ,中文系LED驱动器,即系泛指所有用黎驱动(Drive)LED既器件,所以严格黎讲,即使系一粒串联既电阻都LED Driver。 LED 灯一定要用 driver 吗? 呢个好视乎阁下既需要:如 阁下输入既电压系几多?(220VAC市电?两粒AA电池?还是USB直接供电? 需要驱动几大火(即W)既LED?一粒普通既3mm/5mm LED?定系一粒3W,甚至5W既Luxeon K2 LED? 需要既效能(efficiency)几多?无所谓?定系要求80%以上? 需唔需要好准确既颜色? 等等。 后话: 如果简简单单只系用黎做一个LED 面板,当然唔需要复习既线路,就咁串联电阻就可以。 可以睇下人地点做 forumepc/viewthread?tid=633350 复习既LED Driver就唔系咁简单,可以睇下LED driver厂商佢地既资料学下先。
LED driver 为一提供constant current 之IC(周边亦须接驳其他电子零件如线圈等)﹐以维持LED保持同一光度﹐而不会因电池电压下降而降低。 简单来说﹐通常要令一LED亮起﹐串联一电阻及提供一恒定电压已可。但对于portable device如手机﹐电池电压会不断下降﹐LED之亮度亦随之下降﹐这样当然不能接受﹗这时便须要LED Driver 去提供恒定电流。所以LED不一定要用driver﹐视乎应用而定。
Better to use "Driver"
details as below: A driver is an electrical device that regulates the power to an LED or string(s) of LEDs. What makes a driver different from conventional power supplies is that an LED driver responds to the ever-changing needs of the LED
or circuit of LEDs
by supplying a constant amount of power to the LED as its electrical properties change with temperature. Think of an LED driver as 'Cruise Control' (like in a car) for the LED
and the temperature changes of the LED are the hills and valleys it is 'driving' over. The power level (or 'Speed') of the LED is maintained constant by the driver as the electrical properties change (amount of 'gas' or power needed) throughout the temperature increases and decreases (or 'hills and valleys') seen by the LED(s). Without the proper driver
the LED may bee too hot (driving too fast) and bee unstabe (out of control)
causing poor performance (engine problems) or plete failure (crash!)
参考: web
LED 灯不须要用 Driver
所以要用Driver. 加IC系想LED闪动
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