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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-31 03:37



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 22:10

As we all know, Confucius was a great ecator and played an important role in the history of Chinese ecation. He has a lot of new ideas about ecation. One of his well-known saying goes that “Know what you really understand and admit what you don’tknow.” It means that you shouldn’t pretend to know what you don’t know. He advocated the idea that “Learn and constantly review what you learned.” and “Learn the new by restudying the old.” The idea means that only if you go over what you have learned again and again can you gain new knowledge. He also taught his students to be modest in learning from others by saying that” When three of us are walking together, at least one of the other two is good enough to be my teacher.” Confucian ecational thoughts and methodology are recorded in the historical book “The Analects of Confucius”. These precious ideas and methods have much significance in today’s ecation.
Well, I’m sure that Socrates will be eager to meet Confucius if he has a chance to read the book “The Analects of Confucius”, though they have different ideas about teaching methods. Socrates paidgreat attention on students’ independent thinking. He never told students the right answers and he didn’t care whether the students’ answers were the same as the teachers’. He forced students to think for themselves. Reasoning ability and self-awarenesswere the emphases that Socrates cultivated.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 22:10

缺土的宝宝女孩名字车姓 推荐一些带有成字的女孩名字 江姓婴儿名字大全女孩2024龙宝宝 陌陌的安全等级和财富等级是什么 如何提高陌陌等级? 冰箱旧了是不是很耗电 手机号收不到LINE的手机验证码怎么办 注册line连我账号收不到验证码 日韩服属于哪里 lineplay进入别人家能说话吗 看历史:唐朝人为何以胖为美? 白醋和甘油混合擦皮肤,,,真的可以美白么? 西安游记1000字 西安之旅 西安游记征文 双立人最长的刀是什么刀 易饿易疲劳,饥饿时心悸心慌手抖怎么回事? 饥饿疲劳是什么原因导致的? 这两天睡眠不好,还容易饿和精神疲劳,怎么回事? 选美自我介绍怎么写 如何用古诗词描写女子美貌 中国历史上大力士 美女长相的古诗 描写五官的诗歌 信用卡分期逾期怎么办? 信用卡分期逾期怎么办 信用卡分期后又逾期了怎么办 信用卡分期后逾期了怎么办?,分期卡逾期属于信用卡逾期吗 内蒙旅游必去10大景点 内蒙旅游必去10大景点有哪些 职工养老保险交了四年后失业自己可以再补缴么 自制的翻糖膏容易酥,干是什么原因 莱比锡红牛和汉堡哪个好 当苏格拉底遇上孔子 英语演讲稿。哪位可以指点一下 写一篇当苏格拉底遇上孔子的英语作文,怎么找思路啊? 怎么演讲英语“当苏格拉底遇见孔子”呀?这个题目要从哪个方面考虑呀?求回复。。 孔子和苏格拉底有什么相似和不同点? 统一的意象和象征意义 曾国藩的功劳明明比李鸿章大,为何地位却不如李鸿章呢? 《太平公主秘史》是指哪个公主,安公主吗?安公主以前也是太平公主,还是现在的太平公主? 历史上有太平公主和安公主,这两个人吗?真的对调过身份吗? 韩世忠简介 韩世忠怎么死的 韩世忠睡岳飞的妻子 韩世忠与梁红玉 蕲王的诗词蕲王的诗词是什么 《三国》正史中华雄是谁杀的? 请问解放战争时期的起止时间到底是什么 重庆谈判的时间和成果 帮忙看下这个中药方是治疗什麽的? 文豪野犬兰波死了吗 人鱼陷落兰波死是哪一集 人鱼陷落兰波为什么会死 人鱼陷落第几章小白知道兰波死了 人鱼陷落兰波活了多久 人鱼陷落兰波被泯灭了吗