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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-31 21:53



热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 06:22

1.The film had started when we arrived at the cinema.表过去的过去用过去完成时
2.John went to paris to study a little French表目的
3 The old man finished digging the soil in order to put in some cabbag plants.这个老男人完成了在土地上挖个洞为了把卷心菜种子放进去
4.The old man finished all the maps of the city,so he made a new one.这老男人完成了所有这个城市的地图,所以他又做了一张
5.Richard ate the cakes.fred and arrived home.表并列

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 06:23

1 Tfilm started.whenwe arived at the cinema.

2 He went to paris to study a little French.

3 The old man finished digging the soil in order to put in some cabbag plants.

4 The old man finished all the maps of the city and He made a new one.

5 .Richard ate the cakes after arriving home.追问1.3.4有问题啊打错了吧

追答1 The film started when we arrived at the cinema.
2 John went to Paris and studied a little French.
3 The old man put in some cabbage plants after finished digging the soil.
4 The man studied all the maps of the city and then he made a new one.
5 Richard ate all the cakes before Fred arrived home.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 06:23

1. The film started after we arrived at the cinema.

2. John only studied a little French before he went to Paris.
3. After the old man finished digging the soil, he put in some cabbag plants.
4. After the old man finished all the maps of the city, he made a new one.
5. Richard ate the cakes before he arrived home.
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