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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 18:12



热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 15:14

我来帮您吧!! 该标识是以直观的实体包子为主体,形象而生动的表现出企业的个性;一个大包子包含着三个小包子,寓意着该企业的包子一个顶三,三条竖着的波浪则显出包子的新鲜与企业的热情;

The main subject of the logo is the picture of a stuffed bun, visually and vividly presents the indiviality of the enterprise. Within the big stuffed bun are three small buns implying one bun is equivalent to three buns; three vertical wave lines above the bun demonstrate its freshness and the warm passions of the enterprise.


The name of the enterprise is presented by four big Chinese characters ”Rong Ji Stuffed Bun”, followed by English alphabets which embody China is going international. The name is surrounded by auspicious clouds which show that the service concept of the enterprise is peace and solidarity; using a large patch of orange red color as the backdrop is to imply a booming business.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 15:15

The logo is a visual entity buns, and vivid image to show the personality of the enterprise; a big buns contain three small buns, a symbol of the business of buns a top three, three vertical wave is showing bunsthe fresh enthusiasm and enterprise; Wing Kee buns, "the characters reflect the intuitive out the name of the enterprise, the letters of the alphabet is followed by the embodiment of China to the international road; cloud of around reflect the corporate philosophy is peace and unity; a large orange-red as the background color is a symbol of corporate business is booming
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