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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 18:58



热心网友 时间:2023-06-25 15:11

1。it's very bad to spit on the ground。
2.Smoking is harmful to your health,but the walking is good for your health.
3.To eat many sweets are bad for your teeth.
4.It took me half an hour to fall asleep last night。
5.From lhasa to Shout and haothe plane took him a thousand yuan.
6.You'd better not go until your aunt arrives。
7.I want to know what's wrong with the animal。
8.Can you tell me how to go to the Summer Palace.
9.Before the operation he used to have a headache。
10.When I was young I often go hiking。
11.The bookshelf is used to put the books。
12.The knives are for cutting things。
13.He used to smoke。
14.Do you want him to call you?
15.I can't wait to open my bag。
16.The children can't wait to open and under the tree stockings inside the gift。
17.Let's hurry so that we can get there before supper.
18.My father lived in the distant place, so we are seldom seen him.
19.I bought a boat, so I could go fishing.
20.He walked too far, so feel quite tired.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-25 15:11

1.It's not nice spitting everywhere.
2.Smoking does harm to your health,while walking is good to it.
3.It's harmful to your teeth if you eat too much sugar.
4.I spent half an hour to fall asleep last night.
5.It costs him 1000 yuan to buy a plane ticket from lhasa to Hohhot.
6.You'd better leave after your aunt arrives.
7.I want to make it clear that what's wrong with this animal.
8.Could you please tell me how can I get to Forbidden City?
9.He often had headache before his surgery.
10.I used to go hiking when I was young.
11.These bookshelves are used for putting books.
12.These knives are used to cut things.
13.He be accustomed to smoking.
14.Would you like to get a call from him?
15.I can't wait to open my bag.
16.These children can't wait to open the gifts in the stocking under the tree.
17.We need to be hurry in order to get there before the super.
18.My father lives far away from here,so it's not easy for us to see him.
19.I bought a boat,so I can go fishing.
20.He felt so tired after such a long way.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-25 15:12

1、It's bad to spit everywhere.
2、Smoking does harm to your health.Going for a walk is good for health.
3、It's harmful for your teeth for eating too much sugar.
4、It took me half an hour to fall asleep last night.
5、It cost him¥1000 to buy the air ticket from Lhasa to Hohhot.
6、You'd better not go until your aunt arrives.
7、I wonder what's wrong with this animal.
8、I wonder whether you could tell me which is the way to the Palace Museum.
9、He had a frequent headache before the operation.
10、I used to go hiking when I was young.
11、These shelves are used for storing books.
12、The knives are used for cutting things.
13、He is used to smoking.
14、Would you like him to phone you ?
15、I can't wait to open my bag.
16、Children can't wait to open the presents in the stockings under the trees.
17、Let's hurry so as to get there before supper.
18、My father lives far,so we can see him hardly.
19、I bought a boat so that I could go fishing.
20、He feels so tired for walking such a long way.

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1。it's very bad to spit on the ground。2.Smoking is harmful to your health,but the walking is good for your health.3.To eat many sweets are bad for your teeth.4.It took me half an hour to fall asleep last night。5.From lhasa to Shout and haothe plane took him a ...



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